American Gothic 1995

The American Gothic series of 1995 was wonderful. I was so disappointed when it was cancelled. I was hoping this series might live up to the promise of its predecessor, but, sadly, THIS American Gothic is a big bore. In this series, I don't care if "Someone's at the door!"

I'm very happy the first series with this name is finally on DVD. I bought it this spring, and I'd much rather watch it, than this mess.

The scariest thing about this series is the fact that someone thought it was good enough to put on TV.


Agreed! The only thing in common with American Gothic 1995, unfortunately, is the name. And that was such an excellent show!! Would love to see it come back. I have it on DVD, too. I had hoped AG 2016 would be similar to Harper's Island, which may not have been the most brilliant TV series ever, but I really enjoyed finding out who the serial killer was. Doesn't compare to AG1995, which was a totally different concept, but you might want to check it out.


I never saw Harper's Island. I see it was cancelled after one season. Did it have and ending, or leave you hanging?


Yes, the story line was completely wrapped up.


Thanks. I'll have to see if I can find it!


Harper's Island was meant to be a one-season miniseries. It definitely has a conclusion, and one I didn't see coming. If they had run longer than one season they would have had to have an entirely different story or a new cast. In other words, don't get too attached to anyone in the show. :)


As far as Harper's Island, I didn't see it coming either. My husband figured out who the killer was early on.

When life gives you lemons!
Throw them at the tv!


Thank you!


It wasn't cancelled after 1 season. It was a mini series with a designed set of episodes and a clear ending.

Much like this show, it is a mini series with a set number of episodes. There is no expectation of more seasons.


I agree 100%!

I've watched the 1995 show twice now and would like to revisit it now that I've forgotten quite a bit of it. What a great and creepy show that was! Every time I see Gary Cole I remember his role, he was awesome!


I became a fan of Gary Cole after seeing Fatal Vision. He really IS a wonderful actor. And the writing of the first American Gothic was exceptional. I was amazed that it was a Shaun Cassidy series. He had a SciFi series, too, that I really enjoyed. It, also, got the axe. He was a great mind for the horror/SciFi genre. Too bad they didn't give them the chance they needed to catch on. After seeing him as a Hardy boy, I never expected great writing from him.


I've never seen Fatal Vision, I'll have to check it out. I searched for it and I found it on YouTube, thanks! It appears to be a 3 hour miniseries that aired over two nights.


But he's great at comedy, too. See Office Space and the Brady Bunch. So funny!

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


Oh I saw Office Space and Brady Bunch years ago when each was realease, he's a great comedian. That's great to see after watching him in American Gothic watching him do "creepy" far too effectively (sort of like how creepy Freddie Highmore plays Norman Bates... it is far too believable!)

I finally watched Fatal Vision on Youtube. What a horrible true story, at first I didn't recall hearing this in the news back in the day, but as the story progressed I remembered. He played it perfectly because I hated the character instantly.


I hope that this version of American Gothic will follow the 1995 version with one of the Hawthornes being the current incarnation of Lucifer/Satan/The Devil. I think it's Virginia Madsen's character, but I could be wrong, and the whole thing about Cam and Jack is a smoke screen. Jack is definitely a little sociopathic psychopath and maybe he is the one Mama Hawthorne will hand the Devil's baton to when it's her turn to hang up her pitchfork and tail.


I stopped watching it. I found it boring.


Too bad - tonight it got really interesting!

"You're so analytical! Sometimes you just have to let art... flow... over you." The Big Chill
