DNA and gender

If they have the DNA that they believe might belong to the killer, shouldn't they know gender? Why would they test everyone in the family? Could they even get that broad a warrant? I know it's just a show and they did it to have more suspects but gender from DNA is one of the basics... That said, I will stop looking to deeply and just try and enjoy the mystery.


That's the first thing I thought too.

Why do I continue watching this crap? The writing is terrible.


I ask myself the same thing every week, but still watch.


I think it's because the DNA matching test is looking at a number of gene markers, not the entire chromosome that would identify gender.


I think it's because the DNA matching test is looking at a number of gene markers, not the entire chromosome that would identify gender.

But they can do other tests, right?

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


On a fresh blood stain or saliva stain, surely they could. On the old stain on the belt, I assume they would be working with degraded fragments of DNA, and may not have enough to do multiple tests. Since testing for Y-chromosome DNA is only going to rule out about half the population (or about half the family in this case), it could be considered a waste of the recoverable DNA.


did they ever get a DNA of Mitch?

Did they test that Jersey of his? with the bloodstain?
