Book Ends

Each episode is named after a famous American painting.

The first episode: Study in Grey and Black
The last episode: Whistler's Mother

Whistler's Mother = Study in Grey and Black
Same painting, different name.


Very interesting! I didn't realize that was the title of the finale. I suppose it means that the killer is connected to either Madeline, or to her mother.


There is of course that arrangement in grey and black - an original Pollock displayed on the wall,

But study in grey and black is also the alternate name for Whistler's Mother.

At the end of the first episode, take a look at Madeline.
She is sitting posed quite similarly to the iconic Whistler's Mother.

So who is the whistler?
The silver bell?

Later there was discussion about the red-tailed hawk.
Garrett tells Tessa that it is NOT the red-tailed hawk, but the red-shouldered hawk.
The difference being that the red-tailed hawk gives a "whistle" before it strikes.
The red-shouldered hawk strikes silently.

Also hawks sometimes nest in the silver bell tree - whose blossoms are shaped like bells.


another look at Whistler's mother:

She is sitting in a chair away from other chairs.
The SBK killer arranged his victims sitting in chairs away from other chairs.
