Why are the brothers

so dishevelled, unkempt, unshaven and ugly, and the sisters are always dressed impeccably & well groomed??


The sisters both have jobs; one brother is an artist, so he can get away with the look. As for the other brother. . .

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


That's a good question, they both need haircuts, it's so distracting! Maybe it's just to make them look more like a serial killer.




Damnit. They're studly. They can get away with it. The brother in law is cleancut. Why do you hate black people?



The brother in law is cleancut. Why do you hate black people?

First of all, the OP wasn't even talking about Brady (the brother in law), and even if the OP was talking about him making an accusation of racism is absurd. So, now a person can't comment on the appearance of an African-American in a negative way without being 'racist?' But as I said it doesn't matter because Brady isn't who they're talking about. They're talking about the Hawthorne brothers (Garrett and Cam), who yes are handsome, but they are unkempt. I guess by your logic the OP must hate white people then.

This game is rigged man. We're like the little b!tches on the chess board-Bodie


The older one looks like he is walking around with chewing tobacco under his bottom lip. I know that's not the case but I find myself staring at his awkwardly shaped lip.


It's to distract you from the dent in his forehead.


Lol both of you are correct. He looks like bizarro michael fassbender.


He's hot and sexy! Actually so is Cam.


I actually consider both brothers to be quite handsome, attractive and sexy, in their own way. I wouldn't throw either one of them out of bed.


Ha snow ghost. Me either!!


I do actually find Antony Starr very attractive (despite the dent ). In Banshee, for most of the series he wore a buzz-cut, but toward the end of the series, wore his hair similar to this show. I do know he's the only man about whom I've ever thought, "Wow, he really looked hotter with a buzz-cut.'

Justin Chatwin I've never seen before this show, but his look as Cam strikes me as creepy.


I know, right??? In some of the scenes, his cheeks are puffed up like a squirrel with a stash in there! But surely they wouldn't have his character walk around with a big mouthful of chew, would they?

And, this bothers me, too-- doesn't he look too old to be Virginia Madsen's kid? He's got some wrinkles going on around his eyes, and he just seems like he's too old. Maybe she just didn't age as fast as he did--she is Virginia Madsen's, after all...

"Let's eat Granny!! Let's eat, Granny!!"
Punctuation matters.


Cam and Garrett are both too old to be Virginia Madsen's sons. Bad casting for the mother. She's only 54 and Garrett in real life is 41 I believe.


Then not bad casting at all. I've known three females to get pregnant at age 11 and gave birth at age 12. Plus since it's TV does it matter? On The Golden Girls the actress playing the mother was a year younger than her daughter. Was that bad casting?

faith begins at the end of your comfort zone.
