MovieChat Forums > American Gothic (2016) Discussion > Some pretty terrible acting..

Some pretty terrible acting..

From both sisters, at least. The two brothers are hit or miss. Virginia Madsen is the only one doing some consistently good acting. I just started this show this morning, I'm on episode three.


I agree the acting is pretty strained from most of them


The lady detective is pretty bad too. I'm not sure if she's trying to do a New York accent, a Bostonian accent, or some mixture.

If vampires hate "plus signs" - imagine how they feel about the "square root" symbol.


I agree that the detective is awful. The accent, her personality, jealousy / competition with Brady. It's all so bad. And trying to get dirt on a murder suspect from a child? That was disgusting! I hate when that character is on screen.


Her character is almost comedic, she irritates the hell out of me


I am laughing..... you are so right, she is awful. She tries so hard to have expressive facial expressions and all I can think of is "what casting agent hired her?"

Oops, my bad.... I thought you were talking about Naomi, the campaign manager who is the worst.


I was liking the detective a couple of episodes ago--"I'll be Scully to your Mulder" and all that. The acting overall I thought had become much better, until last night's episode (the Oxbow).


She was in "The Wire" and was really good. I don't know what's going on with her in this series. I can't tell if it's the direction or just bad acting. And as others have already pointed out, her accent is horrible too.


She was in "The Wire" and was really good. I don't know what's going on with her in this series. I can't tell if it's the direction or just bad acting.

I think they all made a pact because the show was so bad, to make it even worse in the hopes it gets axed lol.
Seriously though, Juliet Rylance is an amazing actress. She's an award winning theatre actress and having seen her playing Miranda in The Tempest a few years back, under the direction of Sam Mendes, I can tell you she's much better than that.

I think they're all just phoning it in because it's so bad, they don't even want to put in the effort.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


This is the only logical explanation because I can't believe it's the same Juliet from The Knick.

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I thought it was supposed to be a one-n-done, 10 episodes and it's all solved and tied up in a pretty ribbon. (or thirteen eps, can't recall how many are left or already done). Kinda like the very excellent American Crime, except that the additional iterations of AC use the same cast, mostly, in different roles. Crime is so well-acted, beautifully filmed, like a movie, really. I look forward to that one returning though the subject matter have been not so easily digestible. And they don't complete the narrative, IMHO; there's been an unfinished-ness to them, and I've felt they deserved an entire additional season to let the viewer be satisfied.

With Gothic, I hear you on the phoning-it-in comment, but could that be because they realize this can't go any further (it's complete in the only season)? Using same actors in a new play would NOT work, because as stated here, a lot of the acting is semi-laughable.

The best thing is that at least we get to find out how it all ends, because it's unlikely they'd pull it due to low ratings since they've undoubtedly sold it as a complete package. We are all so sick of stuff being cancelled (or not renewed) in the middle of a season, maybe the PTB are getting the message, finally.


I just checked out the show, TakeUpReel and agree. Her accent is atrocious.


Yeah, the sisters are bad but Christina is the worst. The brothers have their moments. The mom is good and I think Cam's wife is pretty good. Brady is also passable.
Tom and Naomi are both terrible too.


Cam's wife is pretty good? Have you seen the last episode?

I'm not really bothered by the sisters, I think they are in their roles, but I'm not a native speaker so maybe there's that!


The grandiose dialogue is beyond horrible as well. Between the over-acting and the awful writing, the whole experience is puke-worthy.
