I would have liked...

to have seen Sophie breaking open and cleaning out Mitchell Hawthornes casket tomb thingy - she'd have cleaned out a half million and whatever the ring was worth (millions maybe), and then be able to do just about anything she wants - including having a fair bit of cash power to engineer getting Jack...

The People's Front of Judea. Splitters.


....that this piece of garbage would never end. No one, absolutely no one in that inbred family, especially that obnoxious, 9 yr old serial killer in the making, engendered any sympathy.
Having said that, the contrived plot was an insult to any clear thinking viewer. Did anyone pick up on the fact that when the mansion was rewired for the "state of the art security system" that there were NO SECURITY CAMERAS. Every time the front door rang the 'family' had to ask who was there? I mean really???
Would ANY BIG CITY PD allow a member of the suspected family to be a part of the this case, or any case for that matter? If she had been captured, any public defender would have been to claim evidence tampering and gotten her a hung jury.
I only stayed to the end to find out 'who done it'.
Unfortunately the show has been renewed, but it has been deleted from my DVR.
