I like it.

I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Don't understand all the hate. Not the pinnacle of its genre by any means but it's still very watchable. Why do folks nowadays seem to slam every new show if it does not reach some mythical Mt Olympus standard in every way. Many of us out here in TV land enjoy a mystery show that has atmosphere, gives a few unexpected twists and turns, has a interesting story with decent enough actors and characters who are not perfect people. This fits the bill nicely. Lighten up on the over the top expectations and hate guys or no one will bother making any new shows and all we will be left with is reality TV.....


I agree! I thought it was entertaining, the filming was great, the acting was great. I loved how it was clearly well thought out from the beginning, and everything slotted into place by the end.
I study film, and the show was well above average in many respects. I dont see where the hate's coming from.


I enjoyed it as well. An interesting and entertaining story, well done by cast and crew, with unique cinematography, very clever and creative in an artistic kind of way. 


I agree with all of you; a show well done and I enjoyed every twist and turn.

Why do folks nowadays seem to slam every new show if it does not reach some mythical Mt. Olympus standard in every way... Lighten up on the over-the-top expectations and hate, guys, or no one will bother making any new shows and all we will be left with is reality TV...

I think that slamming a new show speaks more to the lack of knowledge of the poster, when they want to achieve the opposite effect - have others think that they are knowledgeable.

I don't watch any "reality" TV, give me a good scripted show any day. If all we had is reality TV, I'd be watching DVDs of old shows and movies, and reading books.


Agreed. Better than most CBS shows on right now.


There were a few episodes around the middle that didn't do the series any favors. However, the last few episodes were better than I expected.

If vampires hate "plus signs" - imagine how they feel about the "square root" symbol.
