MovieChat Forums > American Gothic (2016) Discussion > Wow..... A Mystery show with a cohesive ...

Wow..... A Mystery show with a cohesive finale????

The show as a whole pretty much sucked - it was an interesting story that went too much into 'Soap Opera land'

But that finale was really well done

I was so glad it wasn't that lesbian girl - as soon as it hinted at it being her, i groaned

I was so glad it turned out to be Sophie - the only one that actually made sense

There was some shoddy acting (Mostly Justin Chatwin, wow is he God Awful) and some ridiculous moments (why didnt he just break the bodyguards thumb??? but instead he used him as a slide???)

Oh and that final scene was very soap opera like

But it was still a decent finale with no loose ends (eagle eyed viewers probably think there is)

a lot of mystery shows tend to end their mysteries with plot holes and contrivances (PLL) but this turned out to be a very rare example of a mystery arc tied up with an open ending in case of a renewal

BTW amazing casting with Virginia Madsen and Juliet Rylance, they look so alike
