
Maybe I missed it at some point, but were the motive for the murders ever discussed? I can't believe these were random killings. It's like they're making it up as they go.


Yes, a motive was given. I believe it was in the first episode that the police stated that the Silver Bells Killer was suspected of having a grudge against the rich, as all the victims were from wealthy families in Boston.


"Yes, a motive was given."
A possible motive - a working theory
but the reporter - killed on-line....
did she stumble onto the real motive?
She was supposed to find dirt on the mayor
by any means necessary

methinks there is something rotten in the Hawthorne Family Tree itself - a dark secret that someone will kill to keep hidden.

The father was willing to tell the truth
He was murdered
The gardner...ditto
Garrett stumbled onto the truth and he exiled himself.**
It's got to be an ugly family secret
a taboo family secret

** or was he banished?


So the reporter was following the mayor and we are supposed to jump to the conclusion that the mayor was the SBK and he killed her. But I'm not buying it... (although I still think it may have been the nasty detective Cutter with the horrid Boston accent).

If this show was really clever they would have the reporter leave a clue to the identity of the person holding her hostage, perhaps by blinking Morse code, or we might be able to see the killer's reflection in her glasses (oh well she wasn't wearing glasses). Perhaps they will keep watching the video of her last words and catch something.

In the last episode, didn't a flashback show Mom as she walked in on teen-aged Garrett as he stood over a body with a bloody knife in his hand and say... "Garrett, what have you done!"

And I believe Garrett said, "He was trying to kill me."

So does this prove who the Silver Bells Killer is? No, it only proves that Garrett killed someone in self defense. So perhaps Mommy sent Garrett away to the woods of Maine, so that he could not be linked to the murder. Out of sight, out of mind.

Mommy must have dragged the body away, took it to a separate crime scene of her making, and staged the murder to look like the Silver Bells Killer. (But then how did she get a silver bell? She went out and bought a whole box of them of course. But since she isn't the real Silver Bells Killer (and neither is Garrett), she stashed the unused bells away in the gardener's shed, never to be used again.

Until now. And where are the silver bells that used to be in the shed? I think Mom took care of them. (But the police would have the bells found at the scene of the old murders in their evidence room at police headquarters (available to nasty Detective Cutter).

I'm not sure if the family is protecting some deep dark secret, I just think Mom is afraid someone will find out Garrett killed someone in their home, so she has been doing whatever she can to protect him, including allowing her poor deceased husband to take the blame, (and killing her husband because he wanted to tell the truth about Garrett).

It's either Mom, or it's Mom's mom, whom we haven't seen since Mom made that little trip to pay her to keep quiet and to stay out of their lives.

I just thought of something! What if the man that Garrett killed was the REAL Silver Bells Killer who had broken into the Hawthorne house in order to kill Dad? Dad was certainly wealthy, and he meets the criteria of the working motive. Garrett struggled with the man, and killed him with his trusty white handled knife.

They say the killings ended at the same time Garrett left. That's because Garrett killed the killer!

In conclusion, I think that whomever murdered the poor reporter was just pretending to be the Silver Bells Killer so that they could blame the deed on the murderer. And she was killed because she uncovered a secret about either the mayor or the nasty detective. 


Good post - a lot of possibilities in there!


Thanks! I think I got carried away. 


I just thought of something! What if the man that Garrett killed was the REAL Silver Bells Killer who had broken into the Hawthorne house in order to kill Dad? Dad was certainly wealthy, and he meets the criteria of the working motive. Garrett struggled with the man, and killed him with his trusty white handled knife.

That's a good point.

Maybe SBK was always Mitchell and someone else, but then that other person decided to knock off his partner who fit the profile of their victims. Garrett interrupted him, fought him, and killed him. Then after being betrayed and losing his partner, Mitchell gave up the SBK killings.

They had to bury the body and keep the killing a secret to keep Mitchell's own secrets about who the guy was and how he knew him.


That's a good idea, it would explain the DNA evidence on the belt that implicated Mitchell Hawthorne.

But I wonder what Mitchell's motive was then? Why was he killing wealthy people?

And I just thought of something else... what about the scars on Garrett's back... I wonder where they came from?

Edit: There's also this:

It's about someone named "Caleb," who may have had an affair with Madeline. Her mother mentioned that name. Maybe Caleb was Mitchell's partner in crime?


scars on Garrett's back

beatings from a belt?
either daddy or mommy dearest?

Garrett's real father??

Garrett is 38
Madeline says she was married 38 years the math...

Mommy dearest came from trailer trash
possibly slept around?
pin the lima bean on rich Mitch?


the one thing they have not revealed to us are the victims - are they connected to each other or just random killings. Or are they intricately connected to the Hawthorne family in some way.

I keep thinking there is some weird connection beyond mother and son between Garrett and his mom. Maybe because they share a secret or ... what is the age difference between Tessa and Garrett? This is going to sound oh so gross but is it possible that incest was involved between Garrett and his mom and Tessa is their child? Or as you said Garrett is her son a result from an affair but I keep thinking back to that strange convo between Garrett in the hospital and the mom. Like they share a secret and she keeps holding it over him that it would destroy the family if it came out. None of this contributes to why Mitch and some partner would go on a killing spree unless it never was Mitch and the mom all along but then who was her partner? And why unless she was protecting her secret and all the people killed somehow knew or had access to info revealing the incest. She seems to crazily want her daughter to defeat the mayor - which makes me wonder if the mayor figures into this as in maybe he's Garretts true father - he dumped the mom and she found out later she was pregnant and pinned it on Mitch.
I'm no doubt way way off.

I guess we'll find out very soon.


the one thing they have not revealed to us are the victims - are they connected to each other or just random killings. Or are they intricately connected to the Hawthorne family in some way.
and why is Garrett so obsessed with Christina? daughter of SBK's last victim...

Incest crossed my mind, as well
Also child abuse
or a pedophile ring

Tessa says she's 27, so 14 years ago she would have been 13.
Garrett is 38; so he left when he was 24
11 year difference between Tessa and Garrett

But he didn't look 24 when he came in bloody, muddy and with a knife in his hand - saying he tried to kill me....
Who? Mitch?
or the "lover" - according to mommy

So many questions. You're right....
I guess we'll find out very soon.


I agree Garrett probably killed SBK who was Christina's dad when he tried to kill Garrett or his dad. They covered it up and made it look like SBK did it. Killings stopped and Garrett left. He checked up on her now to see how she's doing because he feels guilty for killing him. Not sure who is pretending to be SBK now or what their motive would be.


Really interesting theory, but I keep coming back to the box of silver bells found in the Hawthorne's gardening shed. A Hawthorne has to be the killer or an accomplice.


(although I still think it may have been the nasty detective Cutter with the horrid Boston accent).

That's who I think it is too. If not, I hope she's the next victim.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog


Well we came close last night, ha. But still not quite. I still think she seems guilty and she is hiding something. There may be more to the story than just doing a favor for the Mayor for money.

When she said she was just starting her career when the first Silver Bells Killing took place, I thought ah HA! Maybe she had something to do with it, so that she could be the one to find evidence and solve the case?


Your comment makes me close in on the mother. Surely, there is something strange with her. I have stuck with it and hope the end is worth it!


imo, the mother knows and Garrett knows.
He was going to reveal all at the funeral, but then he looked at Tessa and what she had said about being on anxiety pills and how she couldn't handle anything else and he couldn't tell because of her fragile state.

Maybe the father (Mitch) or whoever is head of that household had some initial secret to conceal and took out the people who had anything to do with it.
He (she) enlisted the kids (Allison, Tessa and Cam) to participate - hence Tessa is on anxiety pills and Cam went to therapy and is a heroin user.

I think Tessa is definitely involved.
She's repressed the memories.
Allison? She's old enough to remember.
That's my 2 cents worth.


I believe the motive was for revenge because the silver bells killers' wife died in the hospital because the hospital would not do the extra tests because they were not the rich and elite - they had special color blankets. Supposedly all killed had some connection with that hospital/ insurance company


In final episode (13) the flashback scene at the hospital explains it all (the list on the wall).
As well at the silver bell meaning.
