Laughable acting.

The acting in general on this show is sub par, however the scene when jacks mother is told he will be taken away from her was actually laughable. Like I laughed aloud.

I wish the show would just hurry up and end so I can find out if it was worth sticking with it all along.


I posted a similar thread a few weeks back. It really is terrible!!!


I came to the message boards just to see if anyone else was as amused as I was by that whole scene..."No, Cam, no. No, Cam, no. No, no, Cam, no." Then the overwrought "now I am supposed to clutch my hands to my chest, now I'm supposed to pretend to pull my hair out, now I'm supposed to push everything off the table, now I'm supposed to fall to my knees and scream. Oh, and am I supposed to pull at my hair when I fall?"




The acting in general on this show is sub par,

I know. It's like watching a bad High School play (where the P.E. coach had to take over for the drama department).

If vampires hate "plus signs" - imagine how they feel about the "square root" symbol.


I cringed. I know what they were going for, that eccentric gothic outpouring, but the show doesn't operate on a level to make it look good.


Yeah, I don't really have the issues with the acting that others have, but I do have to agree that was not very well done. The actress just does not have the chops at this stage in her career to pull that scene off. It could just be the character is unnecessary and annoying.


The actress just does not have the chops at this stage in her career to pull that scene off.

I have a question, perhaps you can explain - what are 'chops'?

I have seen this word, along with 'acting chops', used frequently on these boards. Is it a substitute for saying 'acting skills' or 'acting confidence'?

I'm a word person, and this just bothers me, like how the word 'impact' is used instead of 'affect' or 'effect'.


I'm reminded of another thespian-ism: "Chewing The Scenery". However one who "has the chops" is usually thought of as being able to command most any role, whereas an actor accused of scenery-chewing is one, I believe, who is over-acting. Funny association, though. Lots of chewing and chomping going on.


I'm reminded of another thespian-ism: "Chewing The Scenery". However one who "has the chops" is usually thought of as being able to command most any role, whereas an actor accused of scenery-chewing is one, I believe, who is over-acting. Funny association, though. Lots of chewing and chomping going on.

Thanks! I didn't realize acting was so orally based! 


I know someone who types "I have been severely impacted" instead of affected. I want to tell them if they're severely impacted they should get some medical advice or maybe eat some prunes ha!


I wonder what went through Antony Starr's head when he took the role in this show, walks out of one of the best TV series in recent history into this must be disappointing.



Sorry, but Tyler Perry's new "Too Close To Home" on TLC & OWN is BY FAR the worst acting, lines, and plot. The only redeeming thing from that show is when Brock O'Hurn is shirtless.
