Too Predictable

The writers have thrown all the dramatic cliches thrown at this thing. Why would they do that?

Some very good actors, what a shame.


I agree. I was really disappointed.

#TheXFiles #BreakingBad #Lost #Hannibal #Fringe #River #Utopia #TwinPeaks #POI


A huge cliché was the railway station scene at the end (Spoiler) -

It's been done a million times before and it was so predictable that Steph was going to run towards the train as it was pulling away only to turn around and find Johnny standing there in a dark corner as he'd decided not to take the train.

Another thing, why was Johnny needing to take the train down South anyway when throughout the whole series he'd been using his own car while off duty?

Surely he would have driven himself to London in his own car if he was relocating but I suppose they forgot that and added the 'last train home' scenario to add extra romantic drama to the final scenes.

Overall though quite an enjoyable series and I'm looking forward to seeing how they continue with the loose ends (Kieren's fate and Pauline's confession to Brian) in S2.


I agree. It was cliche--ridden and predictable. What a waste of a stellar cast


U dont need plot twists (on a show that doenst need plot twists) for it to be a good show.
nothing wrong with "predictable" .


These are normal ordinary housewives in 1980's England... It's not Dynasty or full of plot twists.


A sweet show - I think we've become so accustomed to "shocking" tv, we've forgotten how to enjoy something simple.


I agree with Pedro_ MGA and redbj65. Liked the show, didn't think it was THAT predictable. I was entertained for a while, and had a few laughs and a few sad moments. My tastes are diverse and I don't have any typical type of show to watch, just whatever catches my interest, at the moment I'm watching The Honourable Woman ..... will see how predictable that is :)
