OK we get it...

It's kind of irrefutable that 10's of 1000's of Nazi's fled to South America and thrived, right under the noses of American "intelligence". It was so prevalent you'd have a hard time going anywhere and not bump into a *beep*

Why, it's kind of like we looked the other way on purpose isn't it?

These guys are able to go down there each episode and find some huge, heavily fortified bunker, if not an entire community of wealthy Germans!

And people are still wondering where all the plundered wealth went? It went into these constructions, and bribing people! People like authorities, leaders, American spies, news people. The only papers reporting on this stuff back then WERE TABLOIDS!


It's amazing isn't it. There is no hidden nazi gold in Germany. They got it out to other countries so they could build this network. Mein furher, I can walk


That really is the only thing this show is revealing. These people came to south America with a lot on money!

You think everybody was keeping quiet for anything other than bribery? They're showing that even our intelligence agencies were ON THE TAKE!

I remember looking at headlines in the Globe and Enquirer as a kid saying South America was loaded with Nazi's. And how everybody poo pooed it as tabloid journalism.


I agree and the other thing it revealed (season 1) was the extant at which Spain violated its "neutrality."
I knew Spain provided some help to the Axis and that some members of Nazi leadership escaped to South American, I just did realize that both occurred at the levels that they did. Beyond that though entertaining its mostly B.S.


Spain wasn't overtly "neutral" at the start of the war, declaring themselves to be a non-belligerent ally of the Axis. Once the tide of the war began to turn against Germany, Franco then went neutral.


This latest episode thing, where they're showing the watchtower (Nobody ever noticed) and all the intricate wiring surrounding the encampment, is simply proof a lot of the elite surviving Nazi's were probably holed up there from time to time, it doesn't prove Hitler was there. It doesn't prove he wasn't. It's a wash.

All it's really proving is they indeed had a ton of stuff going on, and finally had been there long enough they could sort of give up pretense and remove the phones and alarms and such. They probably dabble in other illicit activities, a little gun running and such. But the money really ran out quite some time ago.

Let's face it, they'll probably start offering Nazi tours! Yes, our relatives were Nazi's..enjoy the Spaetzle!


It proves that Hitler made it out. And even Mengele. Why?

To rebuild the a fourth one-thousand year reich(never mind that the third never made it that far.) And to that end they were building a brand new Nazi war machine in Colonia Dignidad. Why?

Because as every proper student of history knows you need fully carpeted and soundproofed rooms with the torturing of political dissidents(and a sprinkling of child molestation on the side) to properly manufacture, assemble, arm, and launch an atomic weapon capable of reaching New York -all whilst making the best sausages that side of the Atlantic.

Isn't it obvious?

It's just a good thing those two guys who never change their shirts are up in that apartmen- sorry, 'office' in LA to explain everything I'd just watched. Otherwise the above summary might have been filled with and scores of mistruths and inaccuracies.


Is there any new episodes for season 2. I've finished season 2 episode 8.


The season is over. There's only so many episodes worth of lies and BS you can fabricate.
