john early

His episode is the worst. Skip episode 2 if you want to enjoy this series.


Watching that episode now and its not bad at all to me... So far the whole tone of this show reminds me of Chris Lilleys stuff where it's comedy and drama with one person playing different characters #IMO


I cant agree on that. I actually liked that episode mire than the first one.


100% agree. Actually came here to see if anyone else thought this. The first episode was great, entertaining beginning to end, and then his hits and I was like oh wow this is immediately terrible what the...


I love every episode, but comedy is subjective.

Life is Good


I enjoyed John Early. His comedy seems to come from a darker place.
I feel he taps into the ugliness of others and he exposes them; he's very aware. His mockery of everyday *beep* is brilliant.


The Christian Lady stand up comedian though. Haha!


Look for My denim ! He makes fun for real life people that's why some don't like this episode. I grew up with Christians like this lady, same hair cut too.

Life is Good


The song at the end was a little much. If this were some well known celebrity it might have been cute, but this guy is a complete unknown and it came off as smug and a way to kill some time. I doubt I'll watch any more of it.


I think it's the best so far, only seen the first few episodes.
I think his type of comedy is an acquired taste.

I think the first episode with Lauren Lapkus was the weakest of the ones I've seen so far. Very hit and miss, very 'American'.

I like stuff like The Office (uk), Curb your enthusiasm, Peep show, that Mitchell and Webb Look, The Trip...
I think people who like those shows could enjoy John Earlys episode.

I thought the episode was comedy gold. It's cringe comedy of the right kind.


I thought Early's was the best so far.. His characters had a quality that you wanted to see more of them and his comedic timing is crazy. The only dip for me was the girl doing her takes in the rain...

But out of curiousity: which episode made you enjoy the series the most?
