MovieChat Forums > Ellis (2015) Discussion > Leftwing, bleeding heart immigration pro...

Leftwing, bleeding heart immigration propaganda

Watched this and immediately saw it for what it was, not an interesting piece about Ellis Island but instead a blatant propaganda piece by rich folk who cry out in favour of economic migration without having, themselves, to feel and suffer the effects of it from in their ivory towers.


To Ed: Dear Right-winger, Heartless, Came over on the Mayflower,
One man's propaganda is another man's truth. Since you "immediately" judged this film may I suggest that perhaps you "saw it for what it was" before you really saw it. Since it's a short you may admit it's worth your while to see it again. Or not. Anyway it's nice to know that a cold-hearted Pilgrim like yourself enjoys freedom of speech in this great democracy.
Check out:
"How many eyes..."
"How many ears.."
Maybe Mr. Dylan can move you a bit closer to becoming a compassionate human being. Or not.



Are you OK man, are you sure?????I have doubts.😕

