
I wonder if Sean can really play chess, as pictured on the show?


I wondered that too. We didn't actually see a piece moved, but the board was there. I hope it wasn't just a prop because that's pointless. Maybe Steven was teaching him...?


I stand corrected. In watching again, I saw pieces were moved (although not correctly).


One needn't be intellectually brilliant to play chess, but it is a strategy game that takes concentration, and Sean seems to have a bit of ADD. I could see Steven playing, but have a hard time picturing Sean having the ability. Who knows, though?


Yeah, it was Sean who moved a piece incorrectly, but it cut to Megan's phone call so I have no idea if Steven explained it. I could see Steven teaching him while they lived together. I think Sean could certainly learn to play. I learned at age three, and I know of others who started young too.


Yeah, sure -- again, I think there's a misconception that you need to be super smart to play chess. Not true. I'm sure Sean could learn, just think he might be challenged by the concentration aspect of it. He'd likely get bored quickly and want to start talking about girls! ;)


Hehe true, Sean may say, "enough! Let's talk about babes." 

Hey, I remember playing chess with my crush (later boyfriend), and it was pretty hard to concentrate, haha. You're right that chess, while a game of skill (with true savants at there), it can still be learned by many.
