Steve and Sean move out

How in the hell can they afford the house that they got, here in Cali that would be a 1/2 a million dollar home, maybe more


I think they said it was an AirBnB rental and is temporary so they can see how it goes.


There was something called a "HUD" voucher that Sean's mother kept alluding too...I'd like to know what that is all about, because no offense, but there is no way the taxpayers should be footing the bill for Sean to live "on his own" which in reality he can't, no way no how can he take care of himself on a day to day basis....Steven might be able too, as I think he is higher functioning than Sean...

"Life is like a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death."


Boy, Steven sure got the raw end of that deal!


Yeah I agree Steven is possible the most high functional one on the show. He made pancakes!! Many of my college aged friends and older don't even know how to toast bread lol. It seems like from watching the last episode he does tell Sean what to do sometimes and Sean takes it as bossy.


I believe the Hud program pays part of the rent to the landlord, of a house or apartment an individual or family chooses. So his family would have had to apply for the voucher, and remit it when he finds a suitable dwelling.


Yeah, this is an AirBNB rental. It's all meant to be temporary. They say to get Sean used to the idea of living without his parents (although much of him moving in with Steven seems for show). There is no way HUD would pay for AirBNB. My guess is the show paid for it on a very temporary basis.

For anyone not familiar with AirBNB (I wasn't until a couple months ago), it's a company that let's you rent a home in different cities across the globe to feel like you're "not on vacation," but in a home atmosphere.
