MovieChat Forums > Born This Way (2015) Discussion > How'd you guys feels about Steves frustr...

How'd you guys feels about Steves frustration over girls & what he wants

Specifically about when he said something like "I've seen enough R rated movies to know what I'm supposed to be doing". I may have gotten some of that wrong but it was close.


I feel for Steve. He seems to be in a rough spot. As his mother has noted, he exists in this tough middle ground in which he is less advanced than most of his peers but more advanced than the other Downs kids he spends time with (because he has mosaic-form Downs, in which only some cells of the body have trisomy 21).

It seems obvious, in watching the show, that he is more advanced, intellectually, than most of the rest of the cast. Honestly, I think he often comes across as having pretty average intelligence and abilities, although, of course, we haven't been there with him throughout his life to experience his actual challenges. But if I met him, I would not think he had Downs.

It does seem to me he shouldn't have an enormous amount of trouble finding someone *without* Downs to date, if that is what he prefers. He's cute, charming, funny -- honestly seems like a better catch than a lot of "normal" (and who the hell is normal, anyhow?) guys I have known!

Maybe he actually does just fine with the ladies, and they play up the "lonely guy Steve" storyline for the show. We have to remember that this is reality TV, produced by Bunim-Murray -- the same folks who brought us The Real World. It's manipulated in the same way that any other reality show is -- that is to say, a lot.


It sucks because when you hear some people speaking that way, it's sometimes someone who is a sexual deviant of some kind. Someone who wants something that's either illegal or immoral and they frustrated because they can get in trouble for pursuing that. It's sad because in this case, we aren't dealing with a sexual deviant. He doesn't want a little girl, or an old lady, he doesn't want to kill somebody or anything. He just wants a normal girlfriend and have a normal relationship just like everybody else. I assume that has to be even more frustrating than a deviant that wants something they shouldn't. Steve is pretty much just a normal guy.


Aw, he didn't say anything deviant. I think he was just joking around. He's a normal dude.


Wait, I don't think I understand... Steven said something that came across as abnormal or devious? The "watching movies" to find out what to do seemed more like a person who thinks they're supposed to fashion their life after what they see in films. A lot of people do that, although life isn't like the movies of course. It's pretty normal for a young guy to look toward "film heroes" to emulate in some ways.

Steven seems really normal in that way because I don't think he has unreasonable goals from what he has seen in films. I also don't think the r-rated film comment was somwthing sexual either. I took it just more that he wants game like protagonists from films.


No he didn't say something that came across abnormal or devious. What I'm saying is, that it has to be frustrating because he IS NOT a deviant. What he wants is totally normal and it sux that he can't have a relationship just like everyone else.


Oh okay. I gotcha. I totally agree. I really hope he finds a girl who is a good fit.


It does seem to me he shouldn't have an enormous amount of trouble finding someone *without* Downs to date, if that is what he prefers. He's cute, charming, funny -- honestly seems like a better catch than a lot of "normal" (and who the hell is normal, anyhow?) guys I have known!

When you say he can find someone without Downs to date, do you mean a regular, average woman or someone else with a developmental delay/disability? I really don't see an average woman dating him because she would basically have to be his full time caretaker and handle the household responsibilities, finances, and day-to-day activities instead of being in a relationship with someone who is more independent. I think he can definitely branch out and not just hang out with other people with Downs, there must be other groups where he can find someone to date. I think he could do well having a relationship with a similarly capable girl with some support from a caretaker or parent to check in on them.


Back in the day females WERE the caretakers. Now males are the caretakers and the breadwinners. Females, because they have rights now, have choices that allow them to break out of that caretaker kind of role.



I feel kind of bad for him. It's clear that he is much more advanced than the rest of the group (we know why). The thing is that the show has not focused on him nearly as much as the others so we can't see precisely what his difficulties look like as much as we can the rest. Honestly, this guy seems more mature than a lot of "normal" guys his age. It's unfortunate that he is alone because he seems like someone who COULD be married and successfully live alone. But again, we haven't been given as much insight to his specific challenges either.

"Your petty vengeance fetish will have to do withOUT Mr. Groin!"
