
Annoys the crap out of me. I'm sorry that he has DS but I just want to shake some damn sense into him. Yes! I realize easier said than done but he needs to stop with the sexual harassment. I don't give a flying crap if he has DS. I would be so ready to tell him to back off. The problem is that because of his DS, everyone laughs it off and gently brushes it away. He'll NEVER learn that way.


I agree 100%! There are times he's just CREEPY!
I think his folks need to be a lot more frank with him when they sit down for their talks!
It's WAY embarrasing for some of the other guys at the table when it's "guys night out", and he just won't let up on the fact that he's going to steal someone's girlfriend!
I know it's only natural to want to be loved, but, there are LIMITS!


Watching Sean, especially during the guys' night out scene, my thought was that he watches way too many movies and TV shows. He thinks that brash, in-your-face, competitive behavior is how real people act when they're trying to "win the girl" or something. The way he's gone on about how he wants to date a diva is coming from the same place. It's just rom-com, Hollywood nonsense, but he takes it seriously. Granted, I've known lots of "typical" guys his age who seem to think this way, too, to varying degrees.

Sean needs some guidance from his parents and friends like Steven on growing up emotionally. But he's so stubborn; I don't know how they're going to get to him.


Granted, I've known lots of "typical" guys his age who seem to think this way, too, to varying degrees.

Seriously. Sean would 100% fit in at almost any fraternity house in the country, and I am not joking. He's a totes bro.


I agree..DS or not, Sean should've gotten his lights knocked out harassing the girlfriend like he did...and when her boyfriend was politely trying to get him to stop, his arrogant, cocky attitude should've gotten him a fat lip...the problem is Sean knows no boundaries, and again his DS should not be used as a crutch or an excuse for his inappropriate behaviour...

"Life is like a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death."


yea, more than once I cursed at the TV about Sean. and DS or otherwise, he was borderline stalker. I wish the show would of shown a scene where someone, ANYONE, would of had a frank talk to the guy.


I wholeheartedly agree - whether he has DS or not, someone needs to have a serious discussion with him about what is and what isn't appropriate, before he gets himself in real trouble. Even with the dance teacher, he was ogling her - and she noticed it. His parents would be doing him a favor by getting this under control sooner than later!
