Megan's Mom

Megan's mom may be the sweetest woman in existence.


Unrelated; Elena is a HUGE pain in the ass. Disability or not, she's annoying as piss.


Did you watch the re-run yesterday? With Elana crying over the fact that Steven friend zoned her.

Yeah, that was the first episode I saw. I like this show. But, Megan's mom is pretty awesome.


Yep. That's what I found so annoying. She "friendzoned" the other dude(John?) and then completely overreacted when the same was done to her. I tried to cut her some slack but everytime she's featured on the show, she throws some kind of tantrum.


Try to remember that Elena and the rest of the cast members have the bodies and emotions of adults, but sometimes the mental capacity of a child. Elena clearly has the most emotional issues of the group. She did act poorly towards John, but let's be fair ladies - Steven was all flirty and lovely with Elena and then got a little freaked out and so started ignoring her completely once they got to the dance. That would upset me too.


You're right. The description they gave of her upbringing was unfortunate. I can see why she is the way she is.


I agree, she's great, and I think she's done a fantastic job raising Megan. I adore Megan, she's a sweetheart. Her mom raised her right. Both of them have great heads on their shoulders, and such sweet personalities.


Megan's such an arrogant little diva. She thinks she's Miss Thang!


Kris is so awesome. There wasn't really enough of Megan's boyfriend's mother, but the little we saw, it was such a stark contrast to the wonderful disposition and nature of Kris. (Not to mention seeing Kris compared to Hiromi. Elena would be more well-adjusted had she been raised with a mother like Kris.)


She does seem really sweet and willing to do anything for her child, but I think it's to a fault. She began a business for Megan, for which she appears to be doing most of the work herself. Megan is what, 23, and doesn't help in the supermarket, being not even willing to ask the butcher for a pound of ham? Kris travels her all over the place to give speeches at Down Syndrome functions, but just now is beginning to teach the kid to make her own eggs and toast. And now Kris is going to uproot her whole life to move to California for her daughter. That's crazy!

I could go on, but I will get to my two points:

1- Would she actually parent this way if Megan wasn't special needs? I tend to doubt it. What sane person would?

2- She has spent so much time giving Megan "her dreams." Much of this time should've been spent on helping Megan to be independent. Megan is obviously intelligent, but she is going to be hopeless and completely dependent on the system if something ever happens to Kris because no one else is going to have the time or energy to continue on with Megan the way Kris has.

None of this is fair to Megan at all. Like I said, she seems like a bright kid, and should be much closer to independence than she is. I have a daughter with DS who is much younger than Megan. We are already working with her on her independence. She has some concept of money, does chores, helps with her younger sister. We expect nothing different of her than we do of her sister and we treat her no different. It's amazing what a kid will do on their own if you encourage it, even one with special needs. I think Kris may have done her daughter a major disservice.

Is this some sort of funhouse... Why, having fun?


I agree with much of what you have written. I think Kris has a loving heart, but Megan is very full of herself, and even referred to herself as 'Miss Thang', when she photobombed at the engagement party. Her mother brought a relative in to help with the business, so if Megan were to move at some point, Kris in tow, who will be back manning 'Megan's dream' of a clothing line? IMHO, she is not teaching Megan realistically about how the world operates, Megan just expects everyone to do her bidding!


Geez! I thought I was the one who made up Megan thinking she was "Miss Thang!" 😄

Did she really say that?


Wow-thank you so much for speaking up and saying this. I thought it was just me! I have just started getting back into this show since it really didn't hold my interest last season. However, I am really into it this season. One of the things I picked up on right away was how Kris has possibly not concentrated enough in some areas, although I hate to say that because I know she has done the absolute best she could and she has still done a great job. As a special education teacher, though , it was strange to me that Megan is unable to cook for herself or do laundry or help in the grocery store.....I thought it was just me but since those are things we really concentrate on in school, especially as students age, it struck me as odd. I feel like Megan has been led to believe she is a lot more independent than she actually is. Even Kris's friend told her she was the mama and she could definitely tell Megan they were not picking up and moving to CA. In the end, however, it's Kris's life and she can raise Megan the way she sees fit.
