MovieChat Forums > Born This Way (2015) Discussion > Will Steven get his happy ending?

Will Steven get his happy ending?

The previews make it look like Megan will break up with Brendon and start dating Steven. Steven really seems to have fallen in love with Megan, so I hope it's true. I love Steven's personality. He deserves happiness. I just wonder if Megan will stay in California after the show gets cancelled one day. Also, since Megan has such a history with Brendon, I wonder if she'll miss him and want to go back to him.

Did anyone notice how Megan misinterpreted what Brendon said when he told her he would move too? He meant that if he were in her position, he would also choose to move to California. At first, she took it to mean that he wanted to move there too. Then, when she tried to press him for details about how they would make this happen, he wanted to change the subject. I wonder why he's so against moving to be with her. Most likely, he doesn't want to leave his comfort zone or his family. Changing the subject to avoid discussing an uncomfortable topic, doesn't seem like something Steven would do. He's more capable of having straight forward conversations. It will be interesting to see the dynamics of Steven and Megan's relationship, if they get together. Will she walk all over him? Or, will they be more equal? I hope there's a season 3, so we can see!


If this is real and not manufactured for the cameras, it could be an interesting pairing. I think Steven is more intellectually capable than Megan, but then again, he's the highest-functioning of the whole group, for obvious reasons.


Yeah, I agree completely. He seems like he is really set on Megan. Steven is really my favorite on the show (tied with John), he is extremely sweet and like you said is very high functional, what he said about romantic comedies and how the characters use sexuality and loudness/curse words to express themselveshows you how advanced he is. He has actually put thought into the movies he watches, even some "typical" as he calls us, don't even analyze rom coms like that. Megan might be the most functional out of women? I'm not sure. She still needs help with her seizures but she does have her own company of course with the help of her mother. But, you can say she knows what she wants, and she goes for it.


From what little I've seen of Brendon, I get the impression (especially from the last episode) that he just wants a girlfriend to hang out with and that he fully realizes he is not in a position (intellectually or emotionally) to get married or have children (and perhaps he feels he never will be).

Where as Brendon seems more pragmatic, Megan's expectations often seem to exceed her reality. She doesn't seem to get that Brendon just wants a casual relationship, but it looks like she's beginning to catch on.


I do hope Steven finds happiness, but I can't help but think that Megan is only interested in him because he is currently giving her the most attention and her boyfriend is not in California all the time to do so. I hope I am wrong, but that's just the vibe I get and to be honest it's not abnormal for most young ladies her age to react the same way to such positive attention as she is getting from Steven. :(


It's the vibe I get too. I also see Steven jiving better with someone a little more mature and compatible with him. This seems to be the first time Steven has meshed well with a girl who he gets to see a lot, thanks to filming, and I'm sure it's all new and exciting. Nothing wrong with them trying it out as long as Megan ends things with Brandan, and hopefully Steven will not get hurt if it doesn't work out.


Well, getting hurt is a part of life for all of us, so why should someone with DS be protected from that reality? Understanding that he may get hurt is the only way he'll ever take chances in life. He seems to "get it" the most of anyone else in the cast, for obvious reasons, having mosaic-form DS.


Oh, you're right, getting hurt is a part of life. Never considered that. I now really hope Steven does get hurt if it doesn't work out with Megan.

LoL, for the record, I'd have said what I did for anyone. No one wishes for someone to get hurt in a relationship even if it is, indeed, a part of life. I'd rather anyone's first real dating experience to not result in a broken heart, such as a more mutual ending. How you inferred I was making it about DS or unreasonably hoping it would never happen to Steven, I don't know.
