Megan's Parents

One thing that was obvious was that things are icy between Megan's parents. In part because in season 1 Kris claimed that her father has been AWOL since they divorced and she has never met her siblings, which from what I've seen online is not entirely true.

That is the flaw in "reality" TV, where people are portrayed to create a certain narrative. I don't know what is actually true, but I'd imagine Megan's dad was not thrilled when she started a narrative that he was some dead beat dad who didn't love his daughter probably didn't sit well, hence why in season 2 she has taken a softer stance probably because the producers we're facing a slander lawsuit.

It is quite sad that this family drama is playing out like this, and is a troubling thing about this series. Hopefully going forward, Megan's dad get's a chance at a fair portrayal as opposed to being solely defined by an ex-wife with a grudge.


No one is slandering him. Like most divorces, the mom got the kid and because of that, she didn't see her dad that much. That same scenario has played out with many families all over the world. Nothing new and definitely nothing to turn into a bigger deal than it is.


She never said Megan had not met her half-siblings. She just said they didn't know her well. Lots of half-siblings have distant relationships/don't really grow up together, so this may well be true.


That's what I thought. Kris said, "Megan has siblings, but.she doesn't know them."

I have wondered if Megan has barely spent time with them, and her outings are basically a lunch here or there with her father only; as if the father wants to keep his current family mostly separated. Sad, if that's true.


I think in season 2 that Kris is sort of "off camera" a lot. I don't think it has anything to do with the father. I think it has a lot to do with changes to her face. It's kind of obvious that she's post op. Thoughts?


We have an adopted family member and it's an open adoption. Nonetheless she doesn't know her siblings at all really and that's not through any fault of her own. This is how life works, period.


How "life works, period" for what? You think Megan not knowing her siblings can be shrugged off as "it's life"? I don't get the comparison to open adoptions either. When someone is placed for adoption, their blood siblings cease being their siblings. Their bio parents cease being their parents. Getting to remain in the lives of some blood relatives thanks to an open adoption is nice, but it's hardly like Megan's situation. Her half-siblings are her family in every sense of the word; they live with her dad who has remained in her life.
