Kris's Face

In the previews for next week's episode -- yikes. She's wearing shades and her face looks rather -- done. She was so pretty before; if she just got some major plastic surgery, that will be rather disappointing.


I just don't get it. Am I missing something the world knows and I don't??? I don't see how plastic surgery makes people look better. To me it makes them look worse. Pretty women become ugly when they get it and ugly people just get uglier when they get it. And Kris is very pretty. Oh well. I hope she at least gets the result she wanted.


I've seen great results with plastic surgery (including a rhinoplasty on myself--never getting anything else done). I think the issue comes when people begin seeking fairly unnatural results. I didn't notice anything odd with Kris, but I'll stay tuned. She's a beautiful woman and definitely doesn't need anything done, so I'd be sad to see it.


I've thought about getting a rhinoplasty some day. My nose doesn't have any obvious problems, but the bridge is a little bigger than I'd like, and conturing with make-up is more time-consuming than I'd like to devote to each day. The size really only jumps out at me in certain photos, so it may be frivolous to even bother, but rhinoplasties are definitely among the top cosmetic procedures that turn out well when done correctly.

I hope Kris hasn't gone the way of cosmetic procedures. The filler thing is such a slippery slope. So many have it done, and it looks so obvious. Then they keep doing it, and the cycle continues.


To me, rhinoplasty is really only worth it if you're at the point of "excluding a functionally botched nose, my nose really couldn't get any worse." I've seen quite a few women who sought out rhinoplasty on unfounded insecurities only for their already feminine noses to come out, well, worse or at least not any better. Plus, people really minimize healing times haha. Initial healing like stiff tip and soreness from the bones took almost five months for me, but I had horrible fluctuations in swelling for over a year.

My nasal bones were very wide, I had a recessed radix, and had a large hump. It wasn't pretty and totally overshadowed the rest of my face. I got asked a couple times as a teen if I was Jewish because "they have big noses" haha. Now my nose is pretty straight from the profile with a slight supra tip. It's not perfect still (which is kind of why I'd never recommend rhinoplasty to those with minor aesthetic issues, because it will never be perfect), but it's still thousands of times better than my original nose.


I've had five major jaw surgeries--one time I was "wired shut" for eight weeks and a day--a routine rhinoplasty would be an easier healing process compared to my previous. My nose did improve a lot after the surgeries compared to post-injury, and that was because my upper jaw came forward significantly, supporting the nose better.

While the jaw surgeries had major aesthetic benefits, I always thought my nose was better pre-injury. I do think it's more of a nitpicky thing though, so I'd need to give it a lot more thought and consult with a couple surgeons. I'd be wary of any green-lighting it because they're looking for business. I had one plastic surgeon who wanted to throw in a rhinoplasty with my jaws, but he was a crackpot. When you're wired shut, you have to breath through your nose which is a tad hard to do when it's been worked on too! (Needless to say, I never saw him again and was very happy with the surgeon I did use.)

I would definitely be worried that the results could backfire. I know there are those who have had them, and it was not a good thing. I'm glad yours worked out well. I agree with you that some are really not good candidates, and they should have steered clear of it!


I've had five major jaw surgeries--one time I was "wired shut" for eight weeks and a day

Hello :) Were you worried when your doctor told you that you had to have your jaw wired shut??? How were your meals prepared??? Did they prepare you for all scenarios that could occur while your jaw was shut??? Scenarios like possibly having to throw up but not being able to open your mouth.


I did throw up after the surgery multiple times, mostly in the first six hours but up to a week later. It originally was a lot of dried blood, mostly because the surgery lasted over eight hours, and it just collected in my stomach. Three nurses were panicking, but it turned out okay. My lead surgeon had made it clear vomiting could happen. I remember just concentrating on pushing it out as best I could. I do remember my mom being there, quietly getting them to chill out, and they did. (They weren't familiar with such a post-op.)

Once I realized the worst case scenario was needing to be "trached," and I made peace with that, it made the head trip a lot easier, haha. In typical wiring of the jaw, people get wirer cutters in case of emergency, but I didn't have the old school wiring. In fact, most people who had the surgical chains and bands I had can open a little or at least sooner, but I absolutely could not for those full eight weeks. That's why I usually put "wired shut" in quotes because it's easier to explain.

The doctor's office provided huge 60cc syringes that people with feeding tubes have. The opening is big, so they'd provided another tubing to fit in the mouth--it was a foley catheter actually! That contraption was useless, so I just stuck with straws and 10cc syringes and put them in the very back of my mouth. Actually, I was too immobile to even maneuver a straw for the first 11 days. It was tedious using purely a small syringe. It was 10 weeks before I could chew. My speech was also pretty bad, especially the first four or five weeks, partly because I was clamped down, partly because of the swelling. For days, I'd just write on a small white board. The office didn't prepare me for everything probably because everyone's recovery is different.

Add: Dayam, that looks long a long-arse post, lol.


Aw, sounds AWFUL. I remember, very clearly despite my drugged out daze, how much blood came back up after my rhinoplasty for the first day or so. I can't imagine having to deal with that with a wired jaw.


Ew, you threw up blood too? It is no fun, that's for sure. I was also really glad how numbed up I was. Not just pain meds, but the numbing made me not feel a lot for months. I can bet your face hurt more than mine. There is something about getting hurt in the nose that is just terrible. (I'd brace myself for that if I ever did have a procedure. That and vomiting!)


I only noticed it in the preview to next week's episode, and it may just have been a bad shot, but she has sunglasses on and her face looks a bit -- raw. Guess we'll see!


She didn't look different to me. Hmm...

"Your petty vengeance fetish will have to do withOUT Mr. Groin!"


Maybe the preview was a weird angle or something because Kris looked the same to me. You know who I kept noticing who looked different though? rachel's mom. Not a bad change. Part of it just looked like different/more makeup, but I'm pretty sure she got veneers too. Her teeth just kept jumping out at me as... more noticeable.


Hi... we sort of discussed this last week. She was not shown much the final few episodes. She was shown more in the extra episode and the "work" is obvious. No judgment. I have had some work done. I just hope ALL these kids have their income from the show put into a trust. We have watched too many child stars end up on skid row. These kids need even more protection. Imho she had a mini facelift or some fillers like Juvederm.


I've seen this posted by several people, and I think I've just been oblivious. I think you all are right that she's had some work done. I really originally just thought, different hair and tanning was the change, but I bet if I watched season one again, I'd actually notice more the difference in Kris' appearance. Here, I noticed Rachel's mom (still haven't memorized her name) getting veneers, but I did not notice Kris' work right off the bat. (Hmm, Iwonder of that's part of why she wasn't featured as much for a while.)


Hi katiedidd...
I detest this imdb app. It's the worst ever for replying to messages! This is my 3rd try. Hope it sticks.
Laurie is Rachael's mom. It's so funny how we all are noticing different changes. I didn't notice veneers at all!
When I saw the 1st season and heard the horror stories about Kris' ex I immediately thought (being a partially conformed glamour girl myself) I bet she sees herself on tv and gets work done. Not that she looked bad at all....but when women hit 40ish we are the unfortunate ones. Men look distinguished and we look saggy and old. It's the way the world works. I guess not only is childbirth a punishment because Eve ate the apple but we also have to deal with menopause and ageism.
So yes.... I would bet every last penny I have that Kris had work.
I think she was mostly off camera because of one of two reasons. One...they didn't want a huge "reveal" so they start to ease her back in gradually (this is if she had fillers like Juvederm and/or Botox. Two...she had a facelift and there was recovery time. Either way it was done and good for her. I just want ENOUGH money left for these kids. ???


Ugh, the app can be awful. IMDb's email notifications are hit and miss--lately, for me more than ever--so I didn't even know you replied to me until I decided to come back to this board. I wonder how many more replies I miss because there never was an email.

You sure called Kris correctly. She didn't need work done, but the pressure to look a certain way appealed to her personality. I hope she stops at this.
