Brendan's brother

I think he has something to do with this case, he and his mother's boyfriend. They seemed to previously agree to put the blame on Steven, an their alibis is laughable. Steven is innocent


Do you have any evidence for thinking this? Is there any evidence that points to anyone other than SA that you can cite? Have you taken the time to read the trial testimony and police reports that have lead you to this conclusion, or have you only watched MAM?


Do you have anything to say that isn't totally condescending towards people who don't agree with you?


It seems like a really reasonable question if someone claims they believe something to ask them what they are basing it on except for some gut feeling and hopefully on some actual facts. It's not an opinion if it isn't based on facts.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


It seems like a really reasonable question if someone claims they believe something to ask them what they are basing it on except for some gut feeling and hopefully on some actual facts. It's not an opinion if it isn't based on facts.

True. But there is much speculation on this board. No one person is guilty of it; almost everyone who posts here has been.


There are even some who complain about speculation and then their very next sentence is speculation on their part.


There are even some who complain about speculation and then their very next sentence is speculation on their part.

Also true. 


Some are more interested in facts than others...
