Avery dumped his fiancee

Avery is concerned she might be a gold digger so he broke off the engagement. Why didn't he just kill her? Isn't that more his style?


Shocking, isn't it? ;)

From what I read, it sounded like she dumped him, but who knows. Doesn't matter anyway.

IMO, there were only two reasons a woman would agree to marry someone like SA: wanting her 15 minutes of fame, or perceiving getting a lot of money. On top of it, they'd met what, once? Well, there's a third possible reason -- self-destructive to an extreme degree.


She is quite hot actually


Im pretty sure he demanded some of her Dr Phil money and she refused to give him it. He was pretty out of shape regarding Buting and Strang's tour and how that money isn't coming his way.


Sorry, I don't understand your first sentence. Can you further explain what you mean?


She was on Dr. Phil today, 10/03/2016. Part 2 is tomorrow, Tuesday, 10/04. If I recall Steven will be talking to them by phone.

My Memory Is Just A Memory! Oh No! Not the Mind Probe!!


What a stupid comment by the OP. Avery can't kill his girlfriend when he is in the slammer.
