Revisiting Brendam

I've started listening to both Brendan and SAs interviews and interrogators again. Last time I listened/watched was back in February.

Something I heard Brendan say in his first interview on either 11/5 or 11/6 that struck me was he asked if the Marietta cop who was interviewing him thought SA "did it." By "it," he went in to explain, he meant raping Teresa. What?! This was the first time rape was mentioned, which rather shocked me.

Why would Brendan even mention rape so early on? No one else had said anything about it. The LE officer questioning him clearly thought Teresa was still alive, and wanted Brendan to help them find her and bring her home to her family.


Flip flop.

The LE officer questioning him clearly thought Teresa was still alive
did he? Is that why he repeatedly asks "what happened to her brendan? What happened to her brendan?" was it 4 or 5 times before brendan asks about steve?


maybe thats why they changed pace so suddenly. I have to admit whilst listening to the first interview I was tired and nodding off at places, but was kinda confused and baffled as to why all of a sudden they went from just chatting to him to accusing him.


Which video/audio did you watch or listen to? There are several.

I listened to them in chronological order, the first being the very annoying one, with the squad car's blinkers or emergency lights continually clicking in the background. While you could hear what the LEO said or asked well enough, often it was difficult to hear Brendan's answers, as he was standing outside of the car.

They really didn't suddenly go from questioning him to accusing him until much later, in the February interviews. He was interviewed 3 times on 2/27. The first time at his school, and the audio quality was poor. Second time at the police station. Not positive I heard that one, but know the audio quality was also poor. I Autumn the 3rd time was when LE took Brendan, Barb, andBlsine to Fox Hills Resort, and that interview wasn't recorded. Too bad. I'd love to know what was said on both sides.


The first one with the blinkers. Im not sure if accusing was the right word, but it seemed like they were chatting then all of a sudden the officer was like "I know you know something/I think you are lying" and his tone and the aggressiveness of his questioning stepped up. This is why I had a bit of doubt regarding BD a few weeks back.

reply I have to watch it again. Can you link it?


This is the November 6th interview. It is between the 24:00 and 26:00 mark. He brings it up.


Thanks for locating the video and specific time on it. Okay, so it was in his very first LE interview..

This means Brendan, as early as November 6th, thought LE thought SA had raped Teresa. Why? Why would he say that? Why would Brendan bring up rape, out of nowhere, unless he knew something about it?

The LEO didn't follow up on that. He thought, at the time, Teresa was just missing, and was "cold,' trying to appeal to Brenans better natural if he knew where she was, cold and probably held captive somewhere that Brendan knew about.

Can't recall now where it was SA threatened to kill Brendan if he told about whatever it was he actually knew, but I read it somewhere. Which is in his character. He threatened his cousin with a loaded gun, after hitting her car to force her off the road early in the morning. We don't know what he'd have done to her if her infant weren't in her car (he checked to make sure her infant really was in her car, still at gun point, before letting her go).

He threatened to kill both his ex-wife, and Jodi.

He stated to Jodi and two or more family members he could kill someone and get away with it.

It's not difficult for me to believe he threatened his young and vulnerable nephew with death, or Brendan's family members, if Brendan didn't keep quiet about what he knew.

He's also a member of a family that is unusually tight knit. I think Ma really believes SA is innocent, and is also a codependent person married to an abusive man who is also an alcoholic, so it's extremely likely she's in denial.


This interview also has Brendan repeating the same lines as Avery. She turned LEFT! There is NO WAY Brendan was home to see her leave because his bus didn't drop him off till 3:45~ and Teresa left according to Avery at 2:35ish. So it is clear Steven Avery had COACHED Brendan on what to say!
Brendan also mentions the police or Halbach family set Avery up for NO REASON! Other than of course Steven told him to say that!


You stupid truthers!!!


May Be Guilty
May Be Guilty
May Be Guilty
May Be Guilty
May Be Guilty

You Stupid Guilters!!

My Memory Is Just A Memory! Oh No! Not the Mind Probe!!


No excuses to make up this time?


I agree he was coached on what to say, and not say, in those early interviews, by SA, and probably members of the family as well.

You're also right that there's no way he and Blaine could have been there, walking up the driveway any earlier than 3:40 to 3:45, which contradicts SA saying she left there around 2:30. Even if he claimed she left at 2:40, after his last disguised call to her, that's a whole hour before Brendan and Blaine were dropped off from school, which is a certainty, so there's no way either Brendan or Blaine could have seen her, much less had to move onto the grass to let her go by, and onto Avery Road.

Blaine said he didn't see her. The van was parked near their house. There's no way Blaine wouldn't have seen her then, along with Brendan, if she really had been there.


At a glance it seems like a random thing to mention, but in context I don't think it's particularly odd. After all, Avery was previously convicted of rape, the cops are (potentially) looking into him again, and in connection with a young (missing) woman.

The man doesn't blink, mom, the man doesn't blink!


but in context I don't think it's particularly odd. After all, Avery was previously convicted of rape, the cops are (potentially) looking into him again, and in connection with a young (missing) woman.

I agree. Does anyone really think this family had not been talking about this since 11/3, after Colborn talked to SA and when it was all over the news? It was probably their sole topic of conversation at Crivitz. Brendan alludes to this when he says the RAV may have been planted or that TH may have gone to Green Bay to be with friends. He's obviously been listening to his family talk about this, and the subject of Steven's previous arrest and conviction for a rape he didn't commit was almost certainly part of those conversations. So his mentioning rape is not, imo, incriminating.

The "interview" with Brendan by O'Neill and Baldwin, and later Skorlinksi, who also came into the car briefly, apparently occurred on 11/6 at Crivitz. The transcript is not dated but they refer to "up here". This is not an interview but an interrogation, a forerunner to W&F's later interrogations. They repeatedly accuse Brendan of lying, using the same tactics W&F used, and they get him to change what he first says. I think it's impossible to know if or when Brendan is telling the truth. He is so impressionable and suggestible, lacks confidence in his own memory and thought processes, and is anxious to "get it right" as defined by others. They doubleteamed him, just as W&F did. (And why does O'Neill keep leaving the car and returning? What was that about?)

Brendan keeps insisting he is telling the truth, but they don't accept that and ask why he didn't see her when the bus driver and all the kids on the bus did.

Baldwin: Yeah. You remember that girl taking that picture. You're gettin' off the bus, it's a beautiful day, it's daylight and everybody sees her, you do, too. Do you remember seeing that girl standing there taking a picture?" Brendan: "Maybe, I don't know.....I don't remember."

And yet Blaine, who was also on the bus and who walked down the road beside Brendan never says he saw her. And they never lean on Blaine the way they do Brendan. Why is that? Was it because Blaine didn't have the cognitive problems Brendan does, and they saw that right away? Brendan himself says he has a "bad memory" which, to him, which may mean that throughout his life he has been able to be persuaded that he remembers something he doesn't think he remembers.

Brendan also says the bonfire was scheduled for Thursday but was called off because his mother and Steven quarreled. He does not mention a bonfire on the 31st and neither O'Neill nor Baldwin insist that that's when it was. He also says Bobby goes goose hunting every day at 3:00, with his friend Mike Osmundsen (goose hunting with bow and arrow is apparently a thing). That he was hunting with friends was never mentioned at trial. Did he meet them at the hunting site?


It's possible Brendan was thinking about SA having been wrongly convicted of PB's rape, yes. But simply because a young woman, whom SA was the last known person to have seen her, is missing, doesn't necessarily equate to rape, or suspicion of rape. It was obvious the LEO questioning him hadn't even considered rape, as he didn't follow up on that statement at all.


It doesn't necessarily equate to rape, but Brendan is just guessing, it seems natural to me that he would think the police are after his uncle for a similar offence, and that he guesses on that basis. The fact that police didn't follow up his question doesn't necessarily mean they hadn't considered rape. It might instead be, for example, that they didn't wish to comment on what they thought or that they wanted Brendan to remain unsure.

The man doesn't blink, mom, the man doesn't blink!


Well, that's the thing. We don't know if Brendan is just guessing or not.

It's obvious to me that if the police had, at that point, thought SA had raped TH, regardless of what happened afterwards or not, they'd had followed up on it. It makes no sense that they wouldn't have, given Brendan himself being the one to bring up the possibility of SA raping her. They only thought she was missing, and that Brendan might know something about it. If they thought SA was guilty of raping her, and then doing who knows what with her, surely they'd have followed up and questioned him when Brendan mentioned rape, but they didn't.

I don't know if she was raped or not, before she was killed. Up until rereading this statement, I thought the whole story about her being raped was Brendan's imagination, forced by the detectives later on. I was surprised to read that it came up so early in Brendan's statements to the LEO.


It's true, we don't know if Brendan is guessing or not. But having listened to much of his questioning generally, my impression is that he guesses a lot (and often incorrectly) when law enforcement try to get information out of him. Therefore, I tend to think that this is quite possibly another instance of his guessing. The police have (wrongly) convicted SA of rape, here's a case of a missing woman that the police are investigating, it seems totally natural that Brendan might guess that police suspect SA 'did it', of "raping her or whatever".

And it's true, one would think police would follow up on what Brendan said if they thought Avery had raped TH. But you would also think they would follow it up regardless, and ask Brendan why he said 'rape', but they didn't. Still, there are reasons why they might not - they might want to keep Brendan wondering about what they really think, they might not want to give him an 'out' (i.e. 'I guessed rape because that's what you guys tried to get him for last time').

The man doesn't blink, mom, the man doesn't blink!


The police have (wrongly) convicted SA of rape, here's a case of a missing woman that the police are investigating, it seems totally natural that Brendan might guess that police suspect SA 'did it', of "raping her or whatever".

Brendan was a 16 year old boy who watched the news, knew his uncle had been arrested and convicted previously for rape, and knew that sexual assault is suspected in most young women who go missing cases. I don't think it was extraordinary of him to mention rape, nor do I think LE thought it was, which is probably why they didn't "follow up".


I agree, given the surrounding circumstances, the question was not a remarkable or strange one for Brendan to ask.

The man doesn't blink, mom, the man doesn't blink!
