
Why did you cut Chloe's part she was supposed to be the star!! Damn you all! Don't you know a superstar when you see one! She is so much better than Maddie Ziegler why do people keep on putting her down.


Why do you insist on bringing Maddie Ziegler into your argument? Maddie has absolutely nothing to do with Chloe's "career" or this movie. Also, Nicole was always the star of this film because she was in 'Turn it up'. I think you should really ask yourself why being cruel to a thirteen year old seems justified in your eyes.


Where did you hear that Chloe's part was cut? I have not seen this anywhere.




This is important!


Chloe is the most beautiful, humble,sweetest person in the world today. We need her light in this world she was abused and has come out of it like a superstar.


She will get her success and fame! Just maybe not this time. But if she deserves it, it will come to her. :)


I'm watching this now; it's about half over. Chloe isn't in any of the ballet scenes, but she does get to show what she can do as a modern dancer. I think she has a decent part and is fourth in the credits.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


Can anyone tell me what this following sentence(?) means? It was in the trivia section and I don't get it.

Chloe lukasiak and Maude green became Chloe and Chloe has stated that Maude is onenof her best friends


She did it! She did it! The lady with the grape!


I'd guess a typo. I'd wager a bet that it was intended to be something like "Chloe Lukasiak and Maude Green became close friends, and Chloe has stated that Maude is one of her best friends".


Chloe was in it much more than I expected, actually. When I counted her scenes, I was pleasantly surprised.
