Chloe threw away food

So what? Why was there a sinister motive for this? Just because someone throws food away might mean they're on a diet or they don't like what's for dinner.


I thought she overreacted as well. Aside from what you mentioned, some people are very cautious as to whom they decide to accept food from. I know from personal experience why that's not a bad thing.


I suppose that we can't be too sure if Chloe's aim was for Brooke to find the thrown away food as a slight? Or was Chloe just careless about it's disposal?


I think it was mostly because she threw it away 2 seconds later in HER trash. I mean think about it, most people would either politely decline the food, or give it to someone else, or at least thrown it away in her own trash. Also when Brooke asks her about it she says pasta is her favorite food so why did she even throw it away? Lol idk I guess this is too much thought to put into it haha


Interesting point, but 2 seconds later on film, edited. I would throw something away like an old book I didn't want in their garbage if it was pickup day.


Exactly. Remember, this IS a Lifetime movie, after all: rationality optional.
