Episode 2

This week’s episode of Chesapeake Shores opens with a campfire in the backyard by the bay during which Abby and her siblings banter about the past and their current lives. The device works well to quickly deliver some much anticipated and needed info about Abby’s brothers and sisters. Connor is the law student in New York that Abby never sees even though they live in the same city, in part because Connor says “my nose bleeds whenever I get too close to the Upper East Side.” Clearly, they live in very different worlds. http://www.cutprintfilm.com/tv/tv-reviews/chesapeake-shores-home-roost-part-one/


Omg did i miss an episode? on the premier ending showed different new episode 2 about Chases ex coming back looking for him? So confused and I love the series so far.


Are you sure you're talking about the same series? I don't know of a character in Chesapeake Shores named Chase.
