The '90's release

I am wondering if Tom and his buddies can get the 90's out before the election IOT soft peddle the Hildabeast. And if so, how much.

Don't put it past him.


If there's a way to screw something up, the "O'Commie regime" will find it EVERY SINGLE TIME!! Only 204 more days left!


What is IOT? That is not an acronym I am familiar with. The 1990s miniseries is set to premiere in 2017 and will probably air in the spring/summer like the others. That would make its premiere after the election.

"Forget reality, give me a picture"-Remington Steele


It's a military thing for "In Order To".


If there's a way to screw something up, the "O'Commie regime" will find it EVERY SINGLE TIME!! Only 193 more days left!


I would like to thank "The 90's" for holding back on the massage of the Hildabeast until after that Felon and her beard Huma were beaten soundly on the 8th.


America is FINALLY getting a REAL President!
GOODBYE O'CommieCare in 62 days!!!


You truly are a retard.


That may be so but since we've already spent the last 8 years inside our first communist regime we've avoided the first lesbian one. Who better than Huma?

And don't think she hasn't changed teams. She rode that old nag Bill for as long as she could. He hasn't slept with her for years. He was looking for better as far back as when he was Governor of Arkansas. The Presidency got him even more. I for don't blame him one little bit.

I was in the US Navy the entire time she was in charge the first time when she started to change the military into a social experimentation platform.

Fortunately, I retired before the O'Commster took over in Jan 2009.

NOTE (I have never been a Trump fan I caucused for Cruz, but he's far better than the alternative.)


America is FINALLY getting a REAL President!
GOODBYE O'CommieCare in 29 days!!!


and on your left you'll see a modern neanderthal.... note how long and winding his forum replies are, and how he probably owns a stuffed squirrel with a pencil sharpener in the eyeball. what a sight!


I am long winded because I actually have something intelligent to say. Unlike far too many on the left, because they have NOTHING to support their "ideas".

I didn't make him a commie. that was Frank Marshall Davis's gig during O'Commie's Formative years FATHERLESS in Hawaii.

Don't know who he is? Look him up, he's easy to find. Right up there with Saul Alinsky, another of O'Bamma's heroes. Even the O'Commster himself reflects on FMD in his book "Dreams From my Father".

What a better mentor could anybody ask for?


America is FINALLY getting a REAL President!
GOODBYE O'CommieCare in 10 days!!!
