male victims

There is a general misconception that honor killing victims are only female.
Actually, majority of honor killing victims are male.

Usually in a case of adultery or pre-marital sex, a male from the woman's family goes and kills the man, then a male from the man's family avenges that, and so on. All male victims. This is how it happens 90% of the time in my country, Turkey, too. It is men who are murdered at the behest of women.

The UN statistics on honor killings make male victims invisible by defining honor killings as a subcategory of familial killings. Male victims of honor killings are not family members of the perpetrators, whereas female victims of honor killings are family members of the perpetrators. The men who kill each other as I mentioned above clearly are not familial killings (they kill men from other families) so they are swept under the rug and considered homicide. Poof! All male victims disappeared with one redefinition.

Even in Iran, about 2/3rds of deaths by stoning (due to whatever reason) are male. According to Iran police, 93% of all honor killings include a male victim . 95% of children living on the streets are boys. 60% of rape victims are male (excluding prison). In 2012, 580 people were sentenced to death by hanging: 9 were women, 571 men.


Your rhetoric and rates taken from an article on a MRA site seeking to perpetuate the entire idea of honor killings as some sort of feminist conspiracy theory. The numbers that you site are 100% bogus based on wrongful interpretation of both hard numbers and the definition associated with them. Non-familial killings are not included in the definition of female victims either so claiming that the stats are skewed to show more female victims due to this definition makes zero sense unless you have data showing that more men are killed by their in-laws than women and there is nothing in that article that supports that assumption.

More accurate statistics with a gender neutral definition of honor killings show that the break down in the countries where such things are most prevalent show a gender split of about 70% women and 30% men.

Yes...poor poor men are so put upon and suppressed. No matter where you look throughout the world, both in the past and the present, it is men who have had to deal with women keeping them down economically, politically and in every other imaginable way, right?


Fantastic response!

--push pause!


Thanks! A post like this in response to such a moving film just grossed me out to the point that I had to respond. I know that it won't change that guy's mind but I didn't want anyone else to come along and read this nonsense and think it was backed by actual facts.


I don't know enough on the subject to know if anything you say is true or not. But if male "honor killings" are redefined as homicides and women's retain that definition, that just proves the point of this movie. A homicide demands legal justice, where violence done in the name of "honor" can be "forgiven" -excused, ignored, deemed justified. It's horrifically lopsided, and I'm still reeling from the blatant misogyny oozing from most of the people in this film. It makes me terribly grateful I don't live in such a culture.
