Please Stop

This "Conjuring Universe" shit needs to stop. Not everything needs to have spin-offs.

I used to respect James Wan. The first Saw and Insidious were great horror movies. But he's become a peddler of cheap, cookie-cutter movies that only have jump scares.


I agree with you to some extent...but the sad thing I've realized about "Hollywood" these years - it wont.


100% agree. It sickens me actually. Such trash one after the other after the other . Obviously for a shit ton of easy money because everyone keeps buying into it every. Single. Time. Disappointing and very annoying to say the least


I didn't like how they made the demonic spirit more powerful than in the previous movies. It didn't make sense. In this movie, passages of the bible kept it under control but in The Conjuring, a glass box kept it under control?? Wtf.


You: Please stop making films that I don't like, everything must be made for me!


That's right you lil bitch. But keep lining James Wan's pockets


I'm gonna go protest to stop Harry Potter films from getting made simply because I personally am not a fan of them.........
