MovieChat Forums > Victoria (2017) Discussion > A bit of information on series 2

Do lots of British shows do Christmas specials, or did Jenna Coleman bring the Christmas special idea over from Doctor Who?


Lots of British TV shows do Christmas Specials, from quiz shows to soap operas, sitcoms to dramas.

Far, far less common are Specials for other "holidays" such as Easter and Halloween - which are quite simply not celebrated in the same way as they are in the U.S.

Sparks Moran: "It was dusk. I could tell 'cause the sun had gone down"


Even Friday Night Dinner did a Christmas special. ;-)

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


Jesus could this show rip off Downton anymore? And this coming from someone who is enjoying Victoria


Not quite as shallow as Downton I think. As long as it doesn't turn into complete and utter *beep* like that show did after a while.



I think the trouble is it's trying too hard to be the "new Downton" and that's why - even though I'm enjoying it - I'm not quite taking to it


Doesn't seem at all like Downton to me. The main difference being that the few times I was forced to watch Downton, I was praying that every character would die and they would turn the show into a much more interesting documentary on sheep grazing :-).

I rather liked the characters in Victoria, but I probably won't be watching any of the 2nd series because I already know they planned it as a miniseries and it should be finished now. The odds are too high that it will go downhill steadily during the future money grabs.


The wording in the Press pack made it seem that it was planned as a multi-year series from the beginning.

And I do see the similarities in "formula" to Downton Abbey, hence the reason for the obvious efforts at manufacturing romance, mystery, suspense, and melodrama among the downstairs characters.


Never watched Downtown Abbey.

I am looking forward to the second series but again I thought this was only going to be a 8 part mini series.

"Look upward... and share the wonders I have seen" John Crichton, Farscape


It really is a load of hooey.
