MovieChat Forums > Victoria (2017) Discussion > Anyone else think they should stop focus...

Anyone else think they should stop focusing on the fictional servants?

I really enjoyed this series. I was a bit annoyed though that so many scenes were taken up focusing on the palace servants. The series is about Victoria, I think it should stick to just focusing on her story.

Hope season 2 doesn't focus on those characters so much. I wouldn't mind if this was a fictional series, but as it is about real people, I would prefer more focus on the historical characters.

Go to bed Frank or this is going to get ugly .


I felt that way too, my first time through; the second viewing, though, I didn't mind the servants as much.


Agree completely . Many of them are played by excellent actors but this storyline really dosn't belong here and is just a distraction .

Gordon P. Clarkson


They are trying so hard to do a Downton Abbey, it's almost laughable honestly.

Especially since even Downton Abbey made more efforts creating characters to make them villains and martyrs. The servants here are just random and bland.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Agreed. An embarrassingly obvious attempt to emulate a great TV success. Downtown Abbey worked because all the characters were fictional and there was equal focus and complexity given to all the storylines - both upstairs and downstairs.

Shoving a few bland and pointless subplots about fictional servants into a true story about a real monarch and her contemporaries is bizarre. I can't understand the rationale behind it, and it does not work.

But since the writer plays fast and loose with history and doesn't seem have much truck with actual fact I suppose we shouldn't be surprised.
