MovieChat Forums > Victoria (2017) Discussion > Axe the Downstairs element

Axe the Downstairs element

Too much of a Rip off of Downton. Plus Downton did it better.

The Fat Welsh Maid with the gap in her teeth is cool. But axe the rest. I couldn't care less about any of them



Seriously? To each their own. It just seems to me that people get creeped out by everything these days.



The Upstairs/Downstairs concept is great when the upstairs residents are rather unimportant members of the nobility (like on Downton and U/D). But when the upstairs resident is of massive historical significance, I don't give a tinker's dam about the what the staff is doing.


That's exactly what's wrong with this show. It's trying to be Downton Abbey but that format is all wrong for this story. The peripheral characters are flat and uninteresting, and distract from the genuinely engaging story of Victoria and Albert.

Was her life not interesting enough, or something? That the story had to be puffed out with this insignificant fictional guff?

I think a purely fictional drama about the lowlier figures in society, with Victoria and her concerns a mere backdrop to their story...might just have worked. But jumping between the two is jarring and incongruous.


I agree.
I can't stand that creepy footman.



Couldn't agree more.


I agree. I've watched until episode 4 and, even though I had read about the downstairs stuff and so expected it, I find it extremely boring. Even in Downton I always thought the downstairs people had too much screentime. Fortunately, they have less weight in this series. I just don't see the point in making up characters in a show about royal historical figures.

This is one of the reasons why I enjoyed Spanish series Isabel. They didn't waste any screentime with fictional characters, let alone servants. Then again, that particular reign was quite eventful, full of remarkable figures, so there was no need whatsoever to create fictional storylines.


The downstairs segment is dull as dishwater.

It's that man again!!


As I said in another post ,the servants storyline belongs somewhere else.

Gordon P. Clarkson
