MovieChat Forums > Victoria (2017) Discussion > This or The Young Victoria?

This or The Young Victoria?

I realize one is a movie and the other a mini-series, but I adored the movie and was wondering if fans of the movie are also enjoying this. I am wondering if I should give it a shot.

You're going to suffer...but you'll be happy about it!


I haven't seen the movie, but this is very good. Give it a shot.


I loved the movie and I'm really liking this but they're very different


I loved the movie and was unsure about the miniseries at first (it was somewhat disjointed and slow), but after episode 4 (the introduction of Albert) it's picking up. They are quite different in many ways (the mini-series Victoria is more unlikeable initially), and depending on how they treat the marriage I'll have more of an opinion, but both are worthwhile in their ways.

Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are. -- Machiavelli


In my opinion, the movie is much better. The characters in the TV show are 2 dimensional.


It will be interesting to see how the TV Series handles the assassination attempt by Edward Oxford (in the final episode of the first series).

The Young Victoria handled it very badly with an OTT melodramatic depiction that had Albert being wounded when bravely diving in front of a speeding bullet to save his wife's life - none of which actually happened at all.

Sparks Moran: "It was dusk. I could tell 'cause the sun had gone down"


I loved The Young Victoria and wish it had been longer or had a sequel. I adored Albert and Victoria's relationship in it. Emily Blunt and Rupert Friend were adorable together, but, I'm struggling with Tom Hughes and Jenna Coleman. There's no spark


Go for it.

If you don't like it, quit.

I love them both. (I've also seen the older Victoria & Albert miniseries.)


Thanks so much everyone for your replies. I finally watched it, and quite enjoyed it. I still prefer the movie, but this is enjoyable too, though the characterization of both Victoria and Albert are very different. I just adore Friend and Blunt, but Coleman and Hughes are endearing too. I preferred the way the pre-wedding relationship was portrayed in the movie- in the series, you can hardly understand why they liked each other apart from the basic, chemical attraction, but since then, I like the way the relationship has evolved. By the mere fact that this is longer and thus goes into more detail, means you get more to enjoy and dissect.
And how differently Melbourne is portrayed in the two! Quite disconcerting tbh- I couldn't get over the age difference between the two! But I guess we don't really know what happened behind the scenes- so the writers can take what creative license they want in this case.
On a shallow note, I'm so glad V is pretty and Albert isn't balding! I've seen the old BBC miniseries too, and that was much more realistic in this regard!


Skip the show. The movie is way better, despite the efforts and wasted talents of the cast.

The movie is also way more accurate. A lot has been changed in the show, other things downright created out of thin air, to make it more dramatic, even a bit of soap-opera.

They try so hard to make it into some kind of Downton Abbey BS, with villainous villains, boring "downstairs" plots (but no character), and other, that Victoria takes a backseat and is turned into some sort of long-suffering victim.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco
