Her Voice

Watched the preview and I must confess myself impressed by the costumes and acting but terribly unimpressed with Jenna's voice. She doesn't have the right diction or accent for a Royal and her spoken voice would be more appropriate for a maid and not a Queen. It's a shame but nothing an accent coach wouldn't be able to sort out.

To you, Baldrick, the Renaissance was just something that happened to other people, wasn't it?


Bit of a posh twat, aren't you?


Just someone who appreciates history. After seeing the first few episodes she has turned out to be excellent.

Why are you swearing at people for simply having an opinion? There is no need for such vulgarity.

To you, Baldrick, the Renaissance was just something that happened to other people, wasn't it?


I wonder what a royal in the 1840s sounded like?

It's that man again!!


she is supposed to have a german accent but maybe to make it easier for the audience she's not


Good point.


I agree, not just her accent, but that of most of the nobility-with the exception of the excellent Peter Bowles as the Iron Duke, and then only because Wellington admitted spending so much time serving in the army, that he had "lost his court manners, and retained the coarse, bluff talk of an Irish soldier" (I'm paraphrasing-I don't have the biography to hand)... But it's not just the accents which are wrong, also the dialogue-using 'would have' (and on at least one occasion would've) instead of 'should have', or 'will' instead of 'shall', or even 'you' instead of 'one'... These are not difficult things to fix, and would add to the period atmosphere. I can understand the too-awful-for words Wolf Hall (2015) not using correct Tudorbethan vocabulary, but the Victorians spoke relatively modern English, which would be perfectly understandable to us in this day and age... Or are we to assume that today's modern generation can't tell the differences listed above, just as they seem unable to use apostrophes?..

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...


Ah, apostrophes. I remember the correct usage of apostrophes! I also remember when people said "should've" and understood that "should of" makes no linguistic sense whatsoever. <sigh> Those days are long gone. Sad. So sad.


We need a British equivalent of the Academie Française, as founded by Richelieu, to defend and protect the language against abuse, misuse, and too many incursions from other languages... Although, of course, the reason English has so rich a vocabulary is because it has absorbed Latin, Greek, French, German, Hindustani, Pathan, Chinese, Russian... The list goes on...

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...
