Lord Melbourne

Rufus Sewell is stealing the show and - although I'm enjoying it - he is the main reason I'm watching. it


I assume you have seen both Pillars and Zen. I would so love another Zen series. Most enjoyable cop since Damien Lewis in Life.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


Oh yes. Loved both Zen and The Eleventh Hour. I wish they had made more of both series.

I always wished that Isolde would have chosen him in Tristan and Isolde

And he was great in Middlemarch


I always wished that Isolde would have chosen him in Tristan and Isolde

THIS. I wanted to smack her for being a moron. And... you know, Lord Marc was a really nice guy, so maybe if they had been HONEST about their feelings, that entire situation could have been avoided.

He's my favorite character in "The Man in the High Castle" too.


Oh he steals everything he is on, specially if its period drama or historic. He stole "John Adams", he stole "Amazing Grace", "A knights tale", he played an awesome Agamemnon once, the only reason he didn't steal "Hercules" whole was Ian McShane and oh my *beep* god did he put all those glitter vampires to shame in "Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter".


I loved in "A Knight's Tale". He also starred in a modern version of "Taming of the Shrew" and yes, he stole it too.

Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.


Yep. He steals every show / film he does. I'd forgotten A Knight's Tale. He was so good in that


He was great as the villain in The Illusionist and Legend of Zorro aswell


Rufus Sewell "stole" John Adams?! Are you joking? If any single actor "stole" that series, and the cast was outstanding, it was the fantastic Stephen Dillane as Thomas Jefferson. Please, that isn't even close. I like Sewell, and I think he is a very solid actor, but his performances tend to be very similar from project to project.

"Hearts and kidneys are tinker toys! I am talking about the central nervous system!"


And I'm very sorry to let you know that the show is not for you now, I don't hate Lord M/Rufus Sewell but his fans and their pathetic Boohooing over Victoria & Lord M didn't end up together make him unbearable and I'm glad him role is ended in the show !!!


I believe Lord M was a very old man by the time Victoria met him.


He was 40 years her senior - age 58 years old when she succeeded her uncle to the throne. (Ten years younger than the Duke of Wellington.) By all accounts he was very overweight and an unattractive, gouty old man. Not exactly the stuff of an 18yo girl's dreams.


She was fat and kinda ugly too.

Anyway, it's true she had an enormous crush on him, I am astonished to see almost anyone cared to read about it, because
almost all the biographies of Victoria and Melbourne mention they had a romantic friendship or romantic feelings for each other, that she was his last love and he her first, etc.... including the most important and famous ones.

“she could hardly bear to have him out of her sight. It was noticed that her eyes followed him wherever he moved; when he left the room, she would give a slight, involuntary sigh. If he were ill for a day, she would announce herself ‘quite annoyed’ and ‘put out’. If she thought that one of her ladies was monopolizing him at the dinner table, she would become extremely jealous. When she considered that he was spending too much time with the famous Whig hostess, Lady Holland, she accused him of finding the ageing Lady Holland more attractive than herself”
(Theo Aronson, Heart of a Queen: Queen Victoria’s romantic attachments)

“the Queen amused him and touched him and stirred his admiration and won his heart. For though his feeling for her was no so rapturous and unbridled as was hers for him, yet if went far deeper… at once his Sovereign, his daughter and the last love of his life, Queen Victoria inspired Melbourne with a sentiment tenderer if not more vehement the he had ever felt before”
(David Cecil, Lord M, 1954)

<I cannot say, though I feel confident of our success, HOW low, HOW sad I feel, when I think of the POSSIBILITY of this excellent and truly kind man not remaining my Minister! Yet I trust fervently that He who has so wonderfully protected me through such manifold difficulties will not now desert me! I should have liked to have expressed to Lord M. my anxiety, but the tears were nearer than words throughout the time I saw him and I felt I should have choked, had I attempted to say anything”.
<what is worse of all is being deprived of seeing Lord Melbourne as she used to>
<I really thought my heart would break; he was standing near te window; I took that dear hand of his and sobbed and grasped his hand in both mine and looked at him and sobbed out “you will not forsake me?”; I held his hand for a while, unable to let go and he gave me such a look of kindness, pity and affection and could hardly utter for tears ‘Oh! no ‘in such a touching voice>
<you don’t know what a dreadful thing this is for me>
<the state of agony, grief and despair into which this placed me may be easier imagined than described. all, all my happiness gone! I felt quite in despair and I did nothing but cry>
(Queen Victoria in her Journal about the bedchamber crisis)

"It will be such happiness to me to have that dear kind friend's face which I do like and admire so. His face is so handsome and his expression and there is his air.." (Queen Victoria in her diary talking about a portrait she commissioned where she and lord Melbourne are riding together)

See in detail:


Agreed. He stole every scene he was in. Loved the scenes between Melbourne and Victoria.

Go to bed Frank or this is going to get ugly .


They were a joy to watch and had the best chemistry between them


Without a doubt.

I found myself wishing this was a series about fictional characters, I wanted him to end up with Victoria so bad. I thought Coleman and Sewell had incredible chemistry, and I was more invested in their relationship than in Victoria's and Albert's.

Go to bed Frank or this is going to get ugly .


And me. Knowing it was a true story took away some of the enjoyment as we knew Victoria would end up with Albert. I wish it had been a fictional story so Victoria could have chosen Melbourne

They were brilliant together and I found myself waiting for their scenes


They should have known better than to cast Rufus in the role of Melbourne - I could have told them he would steal the show!! He ALWAYS does because he is so understated & does not try as hard as the other actors to be noticed.But he ALWAYS upstages all the other male protagonists.


Rufus is a very charismatic actor. Almost iresitable!


If you like Rufus Sewell, you must see The Man in the High Castle.


Duh! In a Hugo Boss outfit!
