When can we hope to see either the DVD's or STREAMING of this come to NETFLIX?


The DVDs, yes -- but I suspect Amazon Prime has the streaming rights.


It's not on their as of now


Course not, the series hasn't aired in the US yet. ;)


I meant o. Prime


Amazon Prime will not receive the streaming rights until after it shows on PBS; and then they will probably charge you for it for awhile, as they do other PBS productions.

You can, however, stream it on PBS' website free for awhile, as/after it airs. It starts soon.


I believe I read that the deal was Amazon Prime gets exclusive rights to any Masterpiece and PBS shows and the shows will be added week to week 6 weeks after they air on PBS until the whole show is added to the site. Doesn't cost any extra as long as you are an amazon prime or amazon video subscriber already. PBS's app/site has the episode up the day after it airs but they don't stay on there forever.


That's not compelety true. Some programs, such as the most recent Poirot, Foyle's War, Doc Martin, and other Agatha Christie programs, were exclusive to Acorn TV streaming *after airing and streaming on PBS. That's because Acorn owns controlling interest in those programs (particularly the Christie projects and Foyle's War--not certain about Doc Martin).

*Except for the final Poirot and the final series of Doc Martin, which were excusive to Acorn TV for several months before being shown on PBS local affiliates.


Do you know if it will air on
American TV?


It's beginning on Sunday.


Seriously doubt it


It's on cable too.

Whatever you are, be a good one.


You can stream everything on PBS for free within the same week it aired, either online on on the PBS app on roku, apple tv etc.


I am not seeing it listed on PBS site...and on Masterpiece you have to make a $60 donation in order to watch as far as I can tell.

I do not even see it on my on-demand, though it was on my local PBS and Sherlock, etc are on there.


There are a couple of PBS stations, try them all.


Don't you usually donate to your local PBS station anyway?


Yes but I can'tmdo $60 right now. Anyway I did find it and caught up.
