MovieChat Forums > Victoria (2017) Discussion > Music in Episode 2, Question

Music in Episode 2, Question

What piece of music is Victoria plaing on the piano at the end of Episode 2, when Albert makes his entrance?

Lovely piece, would like to obtain a recording



It's Beethoven - Piano Sonata No. 1 in F minor Op. 2 No. 1 - IV, Prestissimo


Much thanks! Just bought it -- wonderful piece of music.


Now that I've listened to the entire piece several times -- I wonder -- was Victoria such an accomplished pianist that she could play such a complex and demanding piece?


I wondered that exact thing...even as I noticed that Jenna did a very convincing job of appearing to be actually playing it! So many films that attempt to show a non-musician playing an instrument are laughable to anyone who knows something about it.
