MovieChat Forums > Victoria (2017) Discussion > anyone like lead actress?

anyone like lead actress?

I do actually.

If you want to be taken seriously, you have to be a serious person.


Yes, it is the main reason that I am watching Victoria. I will watch anything that Jenna Coleman in.


Haven't even seen the show, but Jenna Coleman is fantastic. She was really great on Doctor Who.


haven't seen her before this show, but i think she carried off the part well - the royal presence within a somewhat overwhelmed and inexperienced young woman.


I really liked her in Doctor Who.


She's okay. I thought she was overshadowed by the great actors and actresses in the supporting cast but Victoria is young at this point so she was played with some naivete.


I agree with the previous 2 posts but I am terribly distracted by the inaccurate physicality. Couldn't they have given her some padding and less makeup to make her look a little more like the real Victoria? The actress who played Flora Hastings looked much more like her than Coleman does. I know the young Victoria was not as fat as the got after Albert died, but she had constant battles with her weight and was never considered slim or pretty. To see her looking like a model in 17 magazine is slightly ridiculous. I guess her tiny waist and delicate features are meant to show how people considered her unfit for the role, but still, it's too unrealistic for my taste.


I agree with everything you said. I actually had prepared a post regarding at least trying to have some reality to Victoria's looks, but it came off as mean, so I didn't post it. Is there no actress that has a weak chin and kind of beaky nose to play the part? We only have paintings of Victoria when she was young, and I'm sure they were doctored up to make her look her best. The later photos of her show a very plain, if not homely, woman. I love British-made shows generally, but they seem to want to clean up and beautify a lot of shows and historical dramas, showing them neat, clean and pretty.


That seemed to be an issue with The Tudors as well (I know that one is Irish).


Yes, very much.



Yes, I think she is great. Looking forward to all the rest.


Jenna Coleman + Doctor Who = only reason I tuned in.

~^~ "All Games Contain the Concept of Death" James Douglas Morrison ~^~


The best part, I think is that they've adjusted her look enough, so that you don't really see Clara Oswald when you're watching this show. However that being said. The Doctor Who fans can make an argument that this is just the Impossible Girl waiting to help save The Doctor, against the Werewolf we see in the Doctor Who episode "Tooth and Claw"


Yes, I like Jenna Coleman. Loved her as Clara (and loved the pronunciation) on Doctor Who and so far I love her as Victoria and yes, she's why I decided to give the show a try (helps too that it came on immediately after the season/series finale of Sherlock) because I could remember when it was on.

Dr Jason Bull: Don't give up on people, they're all we've got.


It's not that I dislike her exactly, but in my mind she cannot be separated from Clara. And like DeltaFlotFan says, she's still the Impossible Girl waiting to save the Doctor.


The actress is almost 31 so they have done a good job of making her look like a teenager. They have also managed to hide her figure almost completely. Also in the show she looks like she has the body of a 12 yr old, something definitely not true of the actress in real life.


Yep. That is what got me to watch this show.


I do actually.

I think she's wonderful!

"You're going to need a bigger boat"
