If you are NOT an adult and do NOT get ADULT humor, that get to stepping! This show is funny as fook! I WISH I had friends like Grover, Jamal, and Milk. Fook, my high school dayz suck rat sheeitz!! (I went to school in North Hollywood and Pasadena, UGH!!)

Plus I LOVE the animation, it is what makes this show stand out. All these other shows trying to impress with their fanzy smahnzy 2Dish 3D animation sheei! Fook that! Get back to just the funny! The style represents THAT RAW, UNCUT, 70's style that I like, and I likes it RAAAWW!! Fook that polished sheeit!!

Keep up the good work, ma niggz! (SLAP!)


No adult would type "FOOK". Get the fuc out of here, this show is TRASH!!!
