Now im pissed

Disney is screwing up this show. When someone dies, leave them dead. Now crossbows death was worth nothing. They need to allow a death to make this show good.


This show is aimed at a younger audience so I am sure they didn't want to get to dark with an episode but I agree Crossbow should have stayed dead. At some point the five characters have got to mature and this would have been a good time for them to grow but instead they will continue to doing dumb things because they got lucky.


I didn't really care about Crossbow or her being dead because I had no idea who she was. Didn't really watch Mighty Med. Just caught a few episodes. I'm more of a Lab Rats fan. But her coming back to life by putting on her gloves again...Dumb.


I liked that the situation let Oliver and Kaz go "Mighty Med" on the situation, but it would have been stronger from a story perspective to let Crossbow...not survive.

Totally forgot about the gloves...yes...kinda dumb.

True MARVEL Fans enjoy all Studios releases of films.


Looks like the first seven episodes were intended to introduce the team as a team and develop their working and living relationships. Now I want to see the show focus on saving the surviving superheroes and capturing Roman and Riker and their father, who apparently has plans to seek his own revenge. In other words, working as the Elite Force they are supposed to be.

As for Crossbow, it was right for Kaz and Oliver to "go Mighty Med" and save her life. If a character is to die onscreen, better for it to happen when the team is actually fighting the baddies in the full-out battle to come.

The only "kinda dumb" thing about turning the gloves inside out so the electrical energy was directed into her body, was that afterward no one remembered to turn the gloves right-side-out again. Zap! Oops!

Yeah, I know filankey is not a word, but it's gonna catch on.
