Anarchy A?

Ralph doesn't know what he is talking about. That 'anarchy a' on the wall was a Celtic Trinity knot. As in the Holy Trinity. Ridiculous.

Ralph seems to be a bit of a bully, his helper doesn't know left from right or up fom down, and they really didn't do anything. The worst paranormal type show I've ever watched and I won't be watching again.


Its actually a little off to the side of that. Its been highlighted in this picture they posted to FaceBook:

However, you're right, Ralph doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Because the anarchy A symbol has jack all to do with the occult. He's interjecting his own BS sense of morality into an otherwise banal paranormal show. Hell, I commented on the thread that that picture is on to the effect of saying that it has "jack all to do with the occult" as well as thanking them for being another joke to the paranormal community and furthermore that it was one less trash show to clutter up my DVR. Heck any other comments on that and other posts that were only mildly critical were deleted since last night. Ralph and his crew can go *beep* themselves for all I care


"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" is a law of satanism and anarchy.

"revenge is a dish best served cold"


Yep! It is satanic.


This is the second time I have written the show I have a friend which is being tormented by a demon I tried othersto help her my number,3152403386 she needs help now not later I hope that I get a call thank you
