The host...

Needs to put her boobs away. I'm sorry but both her shirts had cut outs all over her boobs and I'm just not sure it's appropriate for the circumstances


Isn't she Derek Jeter's latest side piece?


I think they are engaged now.


I feel like she's trying too hard to copy Heidi Klum as a host. Host like Hannah, not Heidi!


She does seem like a blandly pretty actress they hired to play a knockoff Heidi Klum.


Yeah I'm catching episode 2 right now and the top she was wearing in the beginning...I was like, okay, why are her boobs just out like that? It's nothing we haven't seen before it was just a bit much.


I agree, seems a skoosh inappropriate for the venue. Cover up a bit, Sweetie.

Otherwise, I think she's cute and doing an ok job.

Bathtubs are Medieval filth cauldrons
