Thats too funny

Why the hell did they go a do a Sailor Moon style "transformation" for the teens? Lol


I didn't realize that till on second watch, it was funny.


It caught me off guard for a second and I though I was watching something else for a split second


I think it was just an excuse to show her butt a few times before putting the miniskirt on her


Let not forget the blatant crouch shot they added.


Or the continuous cleavage shots whilst on the Web cam with duck.

Bit of blue for the dad's. ..


I thought exactly the same thing...


Its a nod to the pseudo anime style of that wretched animated Teen Titans from Cartoon Network.

When theres no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.


I thought it was absolutely hilarious. They do all these cool transformations, and then they cut to Damian not being able to get to his gear in the car and having to elbow the window.


Cause we are all just kids in the sandbox, animators too... animators espcially too :)

** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **


I thought it was stupid and cool at the sametime

1. it was too sailormoon
2. I at least got to see starfires sweet butt

they would've gotten away with it alot more if at the end damien said something funny and sarcastic about the transformation but instead they just cut him out completely

Damien should of said: "well that wasn't totally lame"

or "what a bunch of weirdos"

i don't know, but at least say something funny and witty


When the first one started with that I was like 'yeah sure, magical girl transform, why not' xD AhahahahahaI wonder if they'll scream they attacks ahead next time."Dark Battering Slicer" Batman called when he threw his batterings...*pffft* ---Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


Well, these movies were animated in Japan, hence the different art style.
