Can DC just stop?

This animated universe they've created for their movies has been awful since JL War. Damien is one of the worst parts too. Every villain has been ruined. The classic comics that these stories have been based on have been disrespected and ignored. It's just so tiring, I used to really love these films before they started the continuous universe, but now I dread the next installments.
Jay Olivia or whoever is responsible for this decline needs to go.


They may just turn it back around eventually since DC now has "Rebirth" going and they're trying to salvage some of the damage done be NEW52 which is what the animated continuity is in the midst of.

When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.


One of my issues is that they are too Batgod (and family) centric.


Sadly, yes. War was the beginning of the downfall.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


I cannot remember when a comic book character annoyed me more than Damian fcking Wayne!

"A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff" The Tenth Doctor explains all.


... I greatly enjoy them all.
