ok... only 9 minutes in

Are we to feel bad about the way DEATH ROW INMATES are treated? I mean I guess you can say I am cold.. but they are criminals (once in a while it maybe someone innocent-- but what is the ratio of truly innocent to murderer?)

They had no care for human life... They may have treated your mother, father, sister, brother.. CHILD ....like an animal and we are to treat them fairly?

OK, That being said I may change my mind on this film as I watch more....


The next time wait until you've watched the entire product, even if it's a positive or negative opinion. Dont't be that moron. (Also, pay atention, you may miss something important while writing this rants)


Hey, I'm watching it right now...

Is this actor Ed Harris??



Cookie that's not an actor, you're looking at and listening to Nick Yarris as he tells his story. Him appearing as a child in the flashbacks is obviously an actor though.

Not sure I buy the "I'm an addict/criminal because I was raped as a child" routine or his version of his escape attempt. Seems some will believe anything a criminal says.



Jesus 9 minutes in and you actually came here to complain?

If you did finish the documentary you must've felt pretty dumb for posting this


I actually had the same feeling. I wanted to know prior to hearing about his conditions if her mm was actually innocent or not. I have a hard time feeling empathy for a killer.


Yes. Prison in question was just horrendous. And it takes a sick person to feel good about their mistreat.


Mistreat? Because they have to be silent? Because they choose to beat each other when working out in a cage together? Do you honestly think if the guards are nice to them they will behave? These men killed children and grandparents or brothers and sisters of people. Many children are molested and do not grow up to kill. What about them? The guy who murdered my neighbor at 19 while she was walking to school is out now for good behaviour. How nice.

They all know prison is not a walk in the park yet they get themselves there anyway. And fyi my roomate was in prison for armed rape for 25 yeras. I guess he was lucky because he hated the outside and kept trying to get back in. His prison must have been cushy. It was also in Pennsylvania.

Sure this guys prison was ridiculous but what about the familes of all their victims? Their prision is worse.



Regardless of what these people did - or in this case, did not - do, we as a people and a society are supposed to be better than that. There is no excuse for cruel and unusual treatment of fellow human beings by prison guards.

Yes, I've been blessed to have not been personally touched by violent crime so I cannot say with certainty that my feelings would change should someone I love be a victim but no one should condone treating another human being like a valueless animal, which includes prison inmates.


what a troll. watch the whole thing first !


Good hell you are a moron.


Sorry you got jumped on. No matter, just glad I got a chance to share my efforts to show my development while facing hard things. All I can say is that in 12 years of being free I have worked very hard to keep my word to my mother and simply just be a nice man and polite and respectful.
Not everyone is going to give me a chance and not everyone will believe or like me. All I can do is believe in my self and like myself for who I am.
Wish you all the best,


Thank you Nick.... I wish you the best too!! I hope you are able to continue to work hard and be a polite, nice respectful man. I can attest that in writing you seem to be. I do not mean to judge you.. that wasn't my intention.
I hope you have a solid team of supporters. 12 years is no easy feat, I'm glad you are doing well.
again thank you for being so kind..
