MovieChat Forums > Class (2017) Discussion > Normalising kids having sex is wrong

Normalising kids having sex is wrong

Okay the actors playing the characters are over the legal age, but most of the characters are supposed to be around 16 or 17.

Having them do the act of the two backed beast (and including gay ones) sends a wrong message to the teen and pre-teen viewing audience. It says sex is fine no matter what age you are. Should they not being sending a safe sex message or keeping your virginity for when you are married?

I larf in you general direction.


If the characters are supposed to be 16 or 17 then they 1) not kids (they are young adults), and 2) are of/over legal age in the UK. The age of consent is 16. The reality is that teens have sex (some younger than the age of consent) so I actually think they handled this really well.

They showed the parent perspective of being worried for her child. She was essentially a proxy for all parents of 16+ teens, and hopefully get's some of her point across to the YA viewers (who this show is targeted at) about using protection, and really knowing who you are having sex with before having sex. The covered it enough without distracting from the episode, but it was enough to put a point across.

In some parts of the UK (mainly Scotland), young adults can marry freely at 16. At 16, one is typically considered an adult in most (but not all) regards.


What the hell has all this got to do with Dr Who? i know it's a spin off but just like Trashwood it's being used as LGBT propaganda. and of course they put straight sex in it as well so it's not too obvious.

Walking on water is like finding a non fake female profile on a dating site...a miracle!


You already responded to me with this same propaganda crap in another post. Why are you trolling in here? This has nothing to do with your issues.


You already responded to me with this same propaganda crap in another post. Why are you trolling in here? This has nothing to do with your issues.

Of course anyone who raises some valid points is trolling.

Walking on water is like finding a non fake female profile on a dating site...a miracle!


You have a valid point?? Where?



That's why it's not in Doctor Who like many other things in DWEU. Who's to say what show needed when it was canceled after all, and what it will need because it evolves constantly. It never used to have a romance with the companion but then it suddenly did and it was most popular era of the modern show. The worst thing to happen do DW is to become stale and not have some changes in format or storytelling.

But you don't need to deviate from the main show if you don't like other perspective on the universe. And yes sex happens in Whoniverse and it is on screen in the spin-off that (by those who are not interested) doesn't need to be acknowledged at all because it doesn't have any effect on the main show.


It was painfully obvious that there was always romance between the Doctor and his companions during the classic era.

A middle-aged or older guy cavorting across time and space with a twentysomething (or younger) girls and guys. Yeah, that was totally platonic. (rolls eyes)

And the relationship between the Doctor and the Master, there was always deeper subtext to that. It was painfully obvious.

It was just more subtle and implied because you had uptight religious nutjobs like Mary Whitehouse constantly harassing the BBC about every little thing. Because those hunch-brained types tend to miss things that aren't extremely obvious and in your face.

It's wonderful that these things can finally be explored out in the open in this day and age.

Too bad she died before Torchwood aired. I'm sure she would have enjoyed it immensely.

crogoon wrote:

That's why it's not in Doctor Who like many other things in DWEU. Who's to say what show needed when it was canceled after all, and what it will need because it evolves constantly. It never used to have a romance with the companion but then it suddenly did and it was most popular era of the modern show. The worst thing to happen do DW is to become stale and not have some changes in format or storytelling.

But you don't need to deviate from the main show if you don't like other perspective on the universe. And yes sex happens in Whoniverse and it is on screen in the spin-off that (by those who are not interested) doesn't need to be acknowledged at all because it doesn't have any effect on the main show.


Why not? Torchwood is no stranger to sex either. That is the point of having spin-offs.


Why not? Torchwood is no stranger to sex either. That is the point of having spin-offs.

What the point in having spin offs is so you can show more sex? and Trashwood was a good idea in theory but it turned out to be the usual Rubbish from Rubbish t Davies.

Walking on water is like finding a non fake female profile on a dating site...a miracle!


You have a valid point?? Where?

So you think Dr Who and it's spin offs should mainly be about sex? Dr Who survived for decades without all this crap in the show. they didn't need all this stuff to make it interesting and the show's been hijacked by people who want to brainwash kids. If they want to do that then use another show instead of Dr Who.

Walking on water is like finding a non fake female profile on a dating site...a miracle!


brainwash? you'r' funny


What is most outstanding is that whether he or she, he/she thinks he/she has a point.


You have a valid point?? Where?

There, at the very end of his sentence. There was a point.
One saying "I endend my sentence there."
The sentence that said "Ear me out and let me troll, I'm homophobic and I don't live it that well!"

Drinking glue and sniffing booze.


Teen sex is normal as long as they practice safe sex i dont think there is anything wrong with it



Seriously? :D could anyone be more cliche? Embarrassing...


C'mon get real.

Teen sex is normal. But given the birthrate of teens having children, safe sex is CLEARLY AND PAINFULLY optional in many cases.

The rate is 23 conceptions per 1,000 15 to 17-year-old girls in 2014, compared to a high of 55 in 1971 in the UK, about the same in the US. It's falling but still a problem.

It's tools like the OP who likely want to restrict access to birth control and pretend showing kids having sex on TV programs are the problem. The kind who thinking demanding abstinence will work.

josh_dukie wrote:

Teen sex is normal as long as they practice safe sex i dont think there is anything wrong with it


Yes kids will go bang only cause of this show lmao


Kids (teens) having sex is the new normal. Where have you been? Condom target market is kids.


Age of consent in the UK is 16 and "the class" in 'Class' is one of 17 year-olds. There is only one kid who is not at that age and so far she has been pretty sex-free.


This whole thread makes it look like as if the show was full of sex, which couldn't be any more wrong! The amount of sex is so far (episode 6) ridiculous!

"Should they not being sending a safe sex message or keeping your virginity for when you are married?"

Thankfully we don't live in the middle ages anymore. No need to get married for anything if you prefer not to and nothing could be less important than being virgin.

Responsibility regarding sex though please!


Well said Riedel, well said.


Kids are going to have sex no matter what weather they see this or not


Virginity 'till marriage? Go back to your cave you paleobeast!


Paleobeast... Interesting..

And what would you call people who actually choose to wait until their wedding night? Or do you denigrate ANYBODY who doesn't share your views/values???


you would obviously fail Ethics 101


So would you, if you mock those who have different sexual/marital values than you, as you evidently do.


Oh, how enlightened you are.
