Wrong cast

Leading character is Annie played by Kristie Martin, not Maddy


You are correct on the cast. Wrong on the actress. You meant Kellie Martin.


You are correct on the cast. Wrong on the actress. You meant Kellie Martin.


I think Kellie Martin was adorably perfect for this role as a grieving widow who couldn't let go of her deceased husband. It was a beautiful movie, and the lead actor who she falls in love with did a great job as well. Kellie had chemistry w/both of the men in this movie.


The cast was perfect for romantic mythology for addicts for hopeless romantic of those who have the American beliefs from a woman's point of view. These aren't real movies but more like soap operas aimed at those who are afraid to live fully except through a filter of what's been the common influence in their time for their gender. Where's the authenticity when so many have the same belief system (b.s.)? And THAT'S why & what this soap opera is about - to cater to their hopes & dreams - and that's one REALLY huge market. There's a sense of safety & security in large numbers. I more I saw Kellie's character in this movie, the more I didn't like "her". I'd say this herd mentality sabotages what they really want - a vibrant real relationship free from game players, from role players. Or is that the best that can be hoped for? An economic exchange & to be objectified as an impossible object who always says no to the countless frogs that get kissed which the perfect idealized one gets selected but who turns out to be a heart-breaker. Bummer, one more story to tell all one's friends & huddle back together again. Perfect for those who take advantage of their targeted audience, and those who'd have a comfy home viewing with a big bowl of popcorn, chocolate, ice cream, pie or whatever. I mean, what's the purpose of life? Excessive food, film, telling others to forget it, & forgetting the past? To each his or her own. No right or wrong.
