This movie doesn't even make sense....they tried to be artsy lol

Very slow movie, gets a little creepy at times, but it never explains or even hints at why certain things happened, and it's not a type of movie that asks you to fill in the blanks with your imagination, it doesn't leave room for that. It takes itself too seriously and is intentionally weird, but in a boring, frustrating way. I feel annoyed that I wasted my time with this, hoping the ending would at least give some sort of explanation to anything. Bleh.


Yeah, I'll admit I don't get a lot of it, either. For example, it is Polly who says she died at birth, isn't it? What the heck was that about if she was the new bride?


When did she say she died at birth? As I recall she said she died the same way that she was born: covered in blood?


This is an old fashioned ghost story. They're not for everyone. Why not just switch it off and watch A Nightmare on Elm Street?


LOL! Exactly! This film was gold.

Please make your sig as obvious as this one. Thanks.


Nightmare on Elm Street is WAY better and is regarded as a classic. I do LOVE slow burn, minimal, ambiguous movies also but they need to move along a little and have some substance. Through all the "artistic and poetic" slooooooww shots and dark, barely visible scenery/images, there was really just a very simple and cliched story. You can't put lipstick on a pig.


I believe every effort was made to make it clear that this story would NOT end with an explanation. In fact it is mentioned several times that the ending is going to be unclear. If you missed that you have no one to blame but yourself.

Anyway the point was to convey the essence of a haunting, a subject by its nature inexplicable and ambiguous. To have a pat 'explanation' would have defeated the point.
